Our customers - how to create and use the graph responsibility (A cheat sheet for managers busy)

11:55 AM
Our customers - how to create and use the graph responsibility (A cheat sheet for managers busy)

is what our customers

our customers is an acronym for the four main titles in responsibility scheme:

  • official - and this attitude does not work for ensure that the work is completed
  • accountable - this position is responsible in eventually ensure the completion of the function or activity or decision, but he may delegate responsibility to another. It should be one position only responsible for every action or decision
  • consulted - This position is shared by decision or action taking place
  • informed - and this attitude and told as a result of an activity or decision after that

our client's instructions

  • focus on the situation, and not on the individual currently serving as
  • ensure that the appropriate level of detail for positions on our customers. Organizations must be consecutive RACIs of a great team down to the level of an individual contributor
  • and our customers should be reviewed and tested regularly with the changing working conditions
  • The first customers will be an iterative process, and may not 100% accurate in the beginning . He encouraged further refinement
  • place accountability (A) and responsibility (R) at the lowest possible level
  • there can be only one accountability (A) in the activity
  • minimize the number of consults (C), and he knows (I)
  • avoid the inclusion of mundane activities such as' attending meetings "

horizontal and vertical analysis

once you have filled in on the graph of our customers, it is important to review and analyze the work to ensure that the tasks and decisions and tasks to be implemented properly. histogram display horizontally to ensure that every action or decision support properly. graphic display vertically to ensure that the distribution of the workload properly between group or team work.

using our customers to enhance or validate the function of Description

after they have been conducting our clients with a group, it is wise to cross-check the data on the drawing chart our customers with what is written in the job description. in some cases, it should be noted elements of the job description on our customers. often use the accountability and responsibilities of the graph customers to update the job description.

using our customers to strengthen key performance indicators or scorecards

and the proper use of the output of our client's scheme is that note the key performance indicators, data and other information required to manage obliged to implement his or her accountability and responsibilities successfully. In many cases, customers can provide a strong clue as to what should be on the record of the positions of card appeared in the graph of our customers.

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