The importance of human resource management hotel

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The importance of human resource management hotel

one of the most important departments in any hotel staff are human resource management. Appropriate human resource management can be the difference between the hotel really work well, and the hotel and one bad. Human resources manager can control almost the whole feeling of the presence of the entire hotel. This makes the importance of human resource management for hotels is very clear.

There are many different areas that are very important for the management of human resources. One of these areas of the newly recruited staff. Employees who are hired at the hotel can really change the quality of service and the whole atmosphere of the hotel. This means that it is very important to choose a dedicated and optimistic workers for each job. It is the job of human resources director to make sure that good people are choosing to work in the hotel. In many cases, and many of the hotel workers only participate in the work of the hotels because they could find nothing else to do. Not a lot of people have a dream of running or serving in the hotel environment. However, there are some people who do not want to work in this capacity, and that is the function of the human resources manager to find these people.

retain staff is another big problem in the field of hotel services. Since a lot of employees do not have a hotel where the work targets the end of their careers, and many of them are working in a hotel only for a short period of time. It may be necessary to leave because of poor work ethic or other the other staff issues. However, there are ways that the hotel human resources manager can reduce some of the desire and the likelihood that employees will move to other jobs quickly. The importance of human resource management for very large hotels in this area. And managers can provide good training programs and incentives that would cause employees to stay longer in the hotel. And having a clear plan for progress to advance to the highest levels of service is also cause for employees stick around much longer.

the issue of the evolution and promotion of workers is also another big issue for the hotel industry. It proved the importance of human resource management for the hotels in this area. Hotels that provide ways for employees to progress in the situation, or that provide training for employees so that they can acquire the necessary to get the advanced position is very important to the survival rate of staff skills. It is easy to implement services of this kind and the expense is negligible compared with the cost and time required to constantly find new employees to replace the ones that always leave soon after they hired. One of the easiest things to implement and English lessons. Many of the hotel staff do not speak English very well, and it is a great incentive for them to stay to work in a hotel if they are offered English classes.

importance of human resources for the task of managing hotels in the area of ​​personnel services as well. If employees know they can come to the human resources manager whenever they have a problem or issue, it is easier for them to work conscientiously. Many HR departments implementing the various games and activities to make the work environment more interesting and enjoyable for employees. There are many different services that the HR manager can think of to help employee morale. Maybe the hotel can be implemented babysitting service, or have a day the park each year. These services are a little go a long way toward making a happy staff. Happy employees make happy companies and customers happy.

As you can see, the importance of human resources for the management of very large hotels. There are thousands of ways in which the HR manager can make the hotel run more smoothly and more efficiently. There are many different areas that could benefit from the experience and guidance of the Director of Human Resources. Therefore it is very important not to undermine the importance of the manager. Without a human resources manager in the hotel it is not the same or pleasing to customers and employees.

Systematic management of issues project issue tracking

8:39 PM Add Comment
Systematic management of issues project issue tracking

(1). what is the number?

The issue is an incident, circumstance, problem or inquiry that affects or is likely to affect the timely delivery of the project, product or service, as they may affect the quality of output and cost of production.

some of the projects under implementation and definition slightly different issue. And determines the help desk issue also asked for assistance, which require a response. The service department keeps track of service requests and issues. Traces the maintenance programs set flaws in the software reports and enhancement requests as issues.

Because of the impact of issues on her projects, and the development of the product or continuous service, and case management is an important aspect of any management methodology. This is a systematic case management to make a deal with the issues methodologies seamless part of your larger range instead of a separate process them.

It is usually not difficult for team members to identify issues, but it is still worth having a working definition of the issue. Remember that the more ambitious project and more of the issues that arise.

item work: You must have a project team make them aware of what are the issues, provide some examples, and ask other team members to provide some examples.

(2). Requirements

a central repository of information issue easily accessible for all members of the team, because it is good for team morale and productivity to know that their issues are being addressed. Automated central repository such as the number Tracker [] is desirable because it made the case management and reporting much easier.

work item: Choose a central repository of your issues.

and director of the version is chosen person's oversee all issues. It can be a project manager, team leader, or anyone else in a leadership position official. The case manager is responsible for making sure that there is steady progress, disciplined and continuous progress in all issues. Case manager accountable to top management on progress on all issues. Director of the issue related to the case to offer the team, senior management and all stakeholders.

work item: Set and release manager and notify the case manager's role and responsibilities.

represents this methodology better management practices for issues management issues. However, the goal is to have a successful project, and the development of the product or service, and the goal is not to follow the methodology fanatically.

work item: Air methodology so as to maximize your success of the project.

(3). Steps

3.1 Discovery

issues can arise at any time. When the discovery of the problem is recorded in a central repository.

It is important to allow the issues that are recorded by a wide range of people, including team members, senior management, users, customers and stakeholders, suppliers and contractors. It is important because if there are barriers to report a problem, then there is an increased chance that the matter would be referred unregistered. You can not handle the problems that do not know about them. It is not necessary that every person has access to a central repository, but the more you can allow for the better.

item of work: preparation access to a central repository for those people who need them.

3.2 recording

train people to identify issues and often unnecessary, but to get people to register the issue in a central repository will take some training and encouragement. For example, one of the team members may mention the case of non-registered to the project manager during the coffee break or other formal occasion, and that members of the team needs some encouragement to register such issues in a central repository.

for all kinds of issues, prevention is better than correction. Also, issues that are less severe if it is dealt with in earlier rather than later tend. This means that all efforts must be made to report issues once they are discovered, instead of waiting for this issue to become a "serious enough" before it is registered. Do not be afraid of a repeat of a case or overlapping with current issues, and it is better than missing an issue.

must be registered full description of the cause of the problem in a central repository. Resist the temptation to describe the case in terms of a solution. You must register any impact of this issue. Attach any documents, snapshots, the report came out, faxes, and error messages to support other media that describe the issue.

person who has registered a case can make a recommendation for a solution, if they have one. Should this person
also waive the case, if possible, even if only for the case manager for the re-appointment has been set.

When you record an issue in the beginning must be recorded in a central repository with the status code reflects the fact that it is a new issue has not been reviewed. They should also attempt to classify and arrange the severity of this issue.

date and who created must be registered in a central repository issue. This is done automatically for you in systems such as tracking number.

Many teams describe issues in terms of the desired solution, leaving the others to deduce the actual case. This is not a best practice because it limits the range of possible creative solutions. As an example, the case of badly worded: "We need more people." There is no indication in this example what this issue is, in fact, so alternative solutions impossible. If worded example the issue as "the shipping department and swamped us with the product, there is the potential damage if we can not get the product delivered." With the issue worded this way perhaps shipping department can become aware of how to cause there are procedures that issues down the line and adapt to their business.

3.3 preliminary review

preliminary review is the sort of 19,459,011 new issues. Usually carried out by a case manager or the House of Representatives who are familiar with the scope and priorities of the project. If a small team the whole team can meet for the review. Each new case is a review of the situation and category and the severity of the issue and the appointment of a person to work and optionally is recognized as the owner as follows.

sometimes the same person who registered the issue may have to do the initial review, so that they can be fused these steps two to one in this case.

3.3.1 case number

are making a decision about the next issue of the state. (Previous state was "new.") Next status of the case reflects the nature and timing of action to address this issue. It is one of the following:

  • open: will take immediate action to address the issue of
  • Deferred: work will be delayed until sometime in the future
  • indicated: action will be taken by another group, perhaps because the issue is outside the current scope of
  • cancellation: We will not be taking any action now or in the future
3.3 0.2 rating issue

first attempt to classify the problem was taken when it was recorded for the first time. But, now during the initial review of a class it can be refined.

righteous cause category is useful when determining the priorities needed to address the issues of resources. It is particularly useful for reporting purposes.

item of work: discussed with the group how better to classify the issues that you expect to get, and document categories that will be used.

3.3.3 rank the severity of the issue

and reflects the severity of the importance of access to resolve the issue. Obviously you want to target resources on the most important issues before the lesser ones.

item of work: choose a small group of severity of symbols that have a clear order. For example: the trivial, a record, an important, critical. Some people prefer: low, medium, high, very high.

3.3.4 set

from the beginning, and the next person to take action on this issue should be assigned to this case, and notification. And automatically issue Tracker notify the person appointed to this issue by e-mail.

Description If the case is incomplete, can this case be assigned to the appropriate party to gather the information needed to make a clear description of the issue.

to appoint a person, not a group. Experience has shown that the assignment of cases to individuals leads to greater accountability of the assignment of cases to the groups as much. An individual can be encountered on the lack of progress, it is much harder to cope with a group of people. Group can be represented by a leader of the group, so you can assign the matter to the leader of the group that will take action to reset the issue to correct member of the group, who will deliver a speech in fact the case.

3.3.5 ownership

must be possible to make a decision and stakeholders is the owner of the case. The presence of His case is a way to register is responsible for the decision of the private placement process.

owners should reconsider the issues they own in order to progress to the decision. If progress is insufficient and should be said case manager so that the situation can be remedied.

3.4 action

process to address the issue of iterating through the following sub-steps until the problem is resolved.

  • and the person assigned to this case, take action to address this issue.
  • and the person assigned to this case, and documents actions taken issue as an event in a central repository. Case occurred has a person's name, date and description of the actions taken.
  • some operations issue requiring an approval step before further action can be taken. They should take this consent form to sign the proposal. While paper signatures are acceptable, the automated system is the best. The events of the case in tracking down the cause can be through the use of sign, since the user is required to log on to identify themselves, and this is as good as signing the paper.
  • if there is documentation to support the actions taken, such as cost-benefit analysis of the proposed system change, it is attached to the support files for this issue.
  • process of finding a solution may help to refine the description of the case. This should be reflected in the refinement updates to the description of the case, and address, as well as attachments to continue supporting files. It may also require that the issue of re-classification.
  • If the next iteration of someone else's responsibility to reset this case.
  • If the issue is resolved in this iteration, the status is updated to reflect the fact that this issue is not active.

Note that the action taken may involve a redistribution of the case, and to change the situation, and refine described the case, change the problem category. All these changes must be registered in a central repository. It is registered to change the situation, and the category of the unit automatically for you in the automated system, such as the number Tracker.

3.5 constant surveillance

a continuous assessment of the issues by the Director of the case and the team should be to bring the issues to the decision. This can be done through periodic review all active in the central repository issues with the team and a separate review with the concerned authorities.

escalate issues as needed through reassignment or by changing the ownership issue.

report and communicate progress on all the issues that senior management and the team, subscriptions can be used by the senior management team to follow up the progress in individual cases. These reports can be integrated into project status reports.

analysis of the progress the matter, and to adapt to the proceedings. It must be a central repository is able to provide information about the efficiency of moving cases from creation to resolution. If it takes a long time to resolve important issues, then the case manager must find ways to improve turn-around time.

(4). Finally

Here are a few items to do more

item of work: the distribution of copies of this issue management methodology for team members and owners interest so that everyone knows how and why managed issues.

item Work: adopt and expand the scope of this issue management methodology to suit the project scope and quirks.

item of work: Create a central repository, you and start the day.

. These issues management methodology evolved over many years. It evolved from the experience in projects with budgets of $ 500,000 to $ 50 million, which have been a number of issues, ranging from a few hundred cases of several thousand. In half of the cases it was dispersed project team actually in many countries.

Once the Stanley Milgram experiment knows about power and how to become better managers

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Once the Stanley Milgram experiment knows about power and how to become better managers

results of the experiment Stanley Milgram power can help to educate managers about how people respond to authority and how to become a director of a better result.

in the Stanley Milgram experiment, which was conducted in 1974, he investigated the degree to which individuals would respond to authority, even if asked to do something that would hurt another person. In the experiment, "volunteer teachers" were told topics, referred to as the learner was supposed to remember pairs of words, and it was supposed to be used to give him a shock increase the intensity levels of the machine, which was supposed to help the learner remembers best word pairs. While using volunteer teachers device, the researcher sat next to volunteers. Although the learner was not actually being harmed, learner acted as if he were facing a more and more severe pain and shock to increase, and he was the head teacher to believe that these shocks may even threaten the life of the learner.

The results of the horrific experience of a high percentage of issues continued to give the shocks, even when the shock may be fatal emerged. Although some of the volunteers initially resisted, he complied with the insistence of a researcher supervision. Thus, threads went along with what the researcher have to do, even though they believed what they were doing was wrong, and some wanted to stop the experiment. Moreover, very few of the people who have left the experiment, initially cooperated, such as electric shocks, and continued pain before finally resisted.

There are a lot of similarities to the experience in the real world, such as the German people generally go hand in hand with Hitler attacks spiraling against the Jews and other people targeted. Another example is that the soldiers in the regime forces in Libya was ready to shoot at innocent civilians, despite the fact that an increasing number of soldiers had defected as the system has been weakened. In the business has been gone many employees along with internal corruption instead of leaving or become informants, even the government's campaign to drop the heads of the company and witnesses and then it became, as in Eliot Spitzer's campaign on Wall Street, when he was a prosecutor in New York .

what this experience, as well as similarities to the real world, we have learned that people will usually follow the orders that come from someone perceived to be in a position of power, even if those orders are harmful to others. If the people after orders may feel is unwarranted or malicious commands, and will carry out normally, as long as they feel this person continued to give in order to be in a position of authority over them. And then they are ready to go against their own moral compass in response to the demands of power.

while this willingness to go along with these instructions may seem shocking to those who have a strong sense of what is right and wrong on the basis of ethics they learned from their parents and their teachers, church, and symbols of other power while growing up, it can be seen as a survival mechanism. This is because those who comply with and follow the rules may be more successful in the survival and thriving in what is often unfair, and survival of the fittest type of world. They may go along to get along, and often these works survive in the community strategy, which usually rewards conformity.

as a manager, and the results of this experiment mean that employees will usually go along with the orders, even when we disagree with them or feel instructions may have negative consequences, because they are afraid to say anything, or the question of power. Thus, employees can implement policies and procedures that backfire, interfere with operations, or harmful to the organization, because they are doing their manager what to do, because they feel it is safer for them to do so.

Under these circumstances, with the knowledge from this experience, and managers must make it safe for employees to raise questions about anything they feel uncomfortable with, because it may have a negative or inconsistent with their feelings what is right and what is wrong consequences. To this end, it should develop specific actions managers so that they can feel safe airing their concerns, such as the ability to come to me privately to discuss concerns or to be able to send a message to an anonymous director for the participation of concern if they feel more comfortable sharing it this way. Another alternative would be to have a chance during a staff meeting for employees to raise their concerns, with an emphasis on there will be no negative consequences for doing so. Managers may even offer a reward as an incentive for employees bringing up concerns that lead to positive changes to improve the workplace.

The importance of accounting for small businesses

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The importance of accounting for small businesses

When you start a small business of your own is one of the most important aspects to think about is the accounting process and how to choose the expense of all of your financial information. It is important to understand that the accounting of the financial information business must be accurate, otherwise your work may not be as successful as intended. Even if you do not like accounting or numbers, there is no way to avoid accounting for the business sector. The purpose of accounting for the business sector is to have a record of revenues and expenses it daily activities. Also, accounting makes it available for business owners to evaluate and analyze business performance. This will help the owner to decide what improvements they need to make, or what practices to keep doing in order to keep the company in a successful place.

in order to file tax returns, apply for a loan to expand your business, or certain legal purposes, is essential accounting. Accounting for small business of your own is also very important you are able on your financial performance evaluation. Financial data, such as the balance sheet and cash flow statement and indicate the financial information that is important to the success of your business. And appear in the balance sheet over your business is worth and what are your assets. Statement of cash flows shows where the future cash requirements of the business are. Without any of these financial statements would your business will not be able to revenues and profits achieved from one day to another account, which leads to errors and inaccurate records.

in tough economic times that we face today, and no accurate accounting is necessary. There are plenty of companies that can help you in accounting for your small business. So thought a lot of small businesses that they need to be able to do their own money and take accountability in their own customs owners. However, this certainly is not the case. It is much better to hire a company that is reputable and can help assist the company in the accounting department. In this way, while the company is dealing with the necessities of accounting, you can be improve your business by putting your name out there to attract more customers, and maintain a strong relationship with existing customers, and encourage your employees constantly so, too, the best efforts toward your company's situation. This will certainly improve your business and help small business owners to feel more confident and less stressed, knowing that your money is safe with reliable accounting firm. There are plenty of cases in which small business owners tried to take what is in their hands, and unfortunately did not succeed in this process. If you want to have a successful business, you have to learn to keep the accounting of important job. In addition to hiring an accountant, and the employer, it is important to buy accounting software, such as QuickBooks. This type of software is where you will be able to track income and expenditure will help to make financial reports for you as well.

If there is one certain fact about small business and represents an astounding is that the failure rate of new businesses, has to do with bad financial management of virtually any other problem. Whether that means that the company does not have a successful business plan, their expectations are not practical, and there are no restrictions on spending, or bad decisions just made in the management of public finances, business like this you need to understand the importance of accountability and what difference it can make to their company. There are a few options for small companies have to improve some of these errors. Small business owners need to be aware of how the accounting systems so that they can achieve successful when their money, or at risk, as well as understanding how to make and read the chart of accounts that makes sense to them.

one of the major problems with small business owners and not to do accounting for their business is that companies are growing so fast that the owners do not have time to worry about the accounting part of the business . We get caught up in trying to perfect customer service, and they do not see the importance of getting the financial side of the company up to par. We hope that small business owners begin to realize how important the accounting for the business, and we will see more of the less successful companies and businesses failed in the future.

The efficiency of resource scheduling and benefits in

5:36 PM Add Comment
The efficiency of resource scheduling and benefits in

One of the aspects of resource management is an effective resource scheduling, a complex task. Scheduling resources efficiently means optimal use of available resources through the allocation of appropriate action to the appropriate supplier at the right time to make your workforce more efficient. It ensures effective and efficient use of human talent to achieve organizational goals with economic benefit in mind. First you need to set a date, followed by the allocation of resources through the adoption of staff and activities leaf format, taking into account the availability of resources during that particular project activities of project time. In companies that have large projects or multinational or manage multiple projects at one time, the resource management include the appropriate allocation of resources available for specific tasks among the various projects or business units. Fun is required this information to be shared continuously throughout the different parts of the organization.

advantages of resource planning and identification of many dates. Resource planning and scheduling lead to the development of systems that can make the task easier. It makes the organization more effective by re-alignment of the traditional work practices. Scheduling resources to ensure effective and efficient use of human talent to achieve organizational goals and the institution empowered to meet deadlines, as well as the protection profitability.This meets the aspirations of the client, which is a good quality product delivered on time and budget. Dissatisfied customer translates into a good brand image.

scheduling resources help to maintain employee harmony in the workplace. Employees seek to increase the quality of life which may mean less time spent at work, with more time for other activities in terms of time in which the high-yield companies seeking employees, lower absenteeism and retain talent. The table looks good resource which has a work flow can be identified by the employee as an integral part of the work associated with the management objectives of the company, and therefore be treated with respect. It tends to reduce stress in the workplace. It does not call for an ad hoc changes, not seen as arbitrary. Good schedule leads to confidence and trust among employees. Provide the foundation for cultural confidence positive environment, which in turn provide the necessary driving force to achieve improvements in performance leading to the primary goal of achieving profitability in the business.

calendaring resource well manually is a tough job with more of the variables that should be taken into consideration possible in reality. A good "scheduling e-resources" program is available and which overcomes the obstacles manual scheduling, fits the needs of managers and employees, flexible and powerful. It is easy to use and proven in practice by various organizations. And supports the well through the office and maintenance releases to help the confidence of the user. It delivers fast tables even in complex scenarios to match supply staff to work requirements.

Quality through production management

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Quality through production management

production quality management can be divided into four sectors: quality planning, control, assurance and improvement. It is very important to understand that quality management is not just about the final product, but about the processes that are put in the right place to get that final product. Quality Assurance Manager, you must be in control of the production of goods.

quality management has to start planning. This quality is affected directly by the initial specifications provided for a job. If properly planned, and all other processes flowing well. It is planning to begin production. Management must be able to accurately calculate the number of orders can be produced during a certain period of time. This should be an incorrect calculation, there will be serious consequences. If the period is too short, it will be the plant has failed to meet a deadline they set, and the customer may cancel the order. Or employees / workers will have to work overtime to finish the system. Overtime is expensive, and may not be included in the initial quote provided to the client, which will result in a loss of profits for the company.


is also planning to buy raw materials. Management has to make sure that they have purchased the correct amount of material, and it is consistent with the customer's quality specifications. Buy is vital to the quality and must be managed carefully.

planning also involves work specifications. Leaders need to ensure that before the plant starts production of ready to produce a product that meets the client's specifications. Samples is expensive to make, but much cheaper than having a group of thousands of rejected because they do not adhere to the specifications. Once planning is complete production can begin.

after the start of production and quality control comes into play. At all stages of production, you need elements to take samples to make sure there are no defects. Staff performance and / or machines may not meet required quality standards, so the work must always be observed and controlled. It must be checks and balances put in place so that every step of the production process flows smoothly, and there is no quality control issues.

quality assurance is difficult to determine, because it is based on trust that arise between the company and its customers. The administration should reinforce this confidence at all levels within their employees. After that, employees must provide the customer with their best work. The customer should also be confident that the company can and will meet their expectations. The management of mutual trust and respect and a sense of assurance and quality assurance development.

There is always room for improvement. Production quality gets better and better when the administration is constantly looking for areas that can be improved. Leaders should check each step of the production and analysis of the results in order to locate and can improve the production process. Regular meetings with the staff is a useful way to learn how to improve production. Often a factor will pick managers are not aware of the issue.

keep pace with technological developments help to ensure better quality. New machine has reduced production time, and provide a better quality of work. Part of quality management and auditing for their ability to survive. If you spent a lot of money on very modern machines, it may be serious repercussions. Many companies have failed because they have bought a lot of machines that do not need them.

improve essential during the initial research stage as well. Suppliers must always work to get the best materials at the best prices. Customers can re-negotiate with suppliers for better repayment periods or discounts. Continuous research and ensure that improvements are made throughout the industry. But the management of a conscious and proactive to have a better chance to improve production.

conditions Chiefs of another side where improvement is vital. Studies repeatedly show that contented employees provide better production and increase loyalty.

packaging and can also be improved, to ensure that customers receive products that work. If the items are broken in transit, and then needs to improve the way the packaging.

production quality management of a wide range effects of things. The company will be managed well produce quality goods, but if problems often arise, and the management is ultimately at fault. Each manager must be a leader, a team player, and the listener, planner and motivation. More importantly, it must be of quality management lead by example, and create a strong work ethic starts from the top. Quality leadership company rarely fails, and are addressing the problems on the spot with customers using their services to return to again and again.

Includes better time management to identify three priorities

3:34 PM Add Comment
Includes better time management to identify three priorities

Everyone is looking for ways to improve their time management. Whether it is the organization seeking to improve business management or individual looking for ways to better spend their time, and management is an important time for both. It can achieve better management of time if you were setting goals and then have classified all the work in the future on how the individual or organization is moving towards achieving the goals.

several methods of time management priority exist. The most popular way is A, B, C, and the number of older according to the order in which tasks should be done. Both methods are encouraged looking at things that move one closer to the achievement of important objectives such as a high priority for the appointment. Things were not related to the goals have lower priority. Here is a description of the three priorities and how they relate to time management practices in general.

  • of high-priority items (A rank of 1 or ) are those tasks, appointments, projects that achieve the greatest results in the achievement of individual goals or organizational. For individuals, this can be related to the goals of career advancement or small business and relationships grow directly to the promises made to customers or co-workers, or they can be linked to the job, such as more goals family or leisure and promises time. Organizations, and this is likely to be related to increased profits, business new business, key projects and other strategic business items. It must be a high priority first planned work every day items, and prevented in time, which falls within the peak performance of the individual period.
  • medium priority items (rank B or 2 ) is the standard daily and weekly tasks, or monthly, projects, and deadlines that are part of the work to be done in order to maintain the status quo . For individuals, this relates to access to the standard of their work done, and it can mean going to a family or group activities scheduled out as expected. Organizations, and this is all business on items such as project meetings, and reduce costs, as well as regular administrative, sales, and manufacturing work. It is scheduled to work or medium priority after the priority of jobs, because this action does not require high levels of concentration, it can be done during non-peak periods as long as it is completed on schedule.
  • from low-priority elements (C rank or 3 ) are those tasks and projects and appointments potential which is nice to do, and could be postponed until another time, and will not directly affect the objectives or the standard work practices. For individuals, this may mean learning a new skill or start a new hobby may seem like good ideas but they are not directly related to personal goals more desirable. Organizations, and this can purge old files or assessment of current business processes that are currently running smoothly enough.

It does not matter if the priority of time management methods such as A, B, C, and punctuation, or just put signs high, medium, low, or using personal coding coloring method. Not only it matters that the practice has no more than three priorities in the approach used to achieve important goals. Can be more than three priority levels swamp Director of time in the process of setting priorities instead of doing valuable work.

whether the management, organization or individual looking for ways to make better use of their time, and management is an important time for both. Anyone looking for ways to improve time management, and will benefit from the establishment and after the method for determining priorities for the completion of work towards achieving the goals accomplished.

The importance of logistics in the import / export business

2:33 PM Add Comment
The importance of logistics in the import / export business

If you are a global supplier of products, then you must know the importance of logistics. Or shipping agents logistics providers offer a variety of transportation services to their clients. It helps to move products and accessories including food, clothing and equipment engineering, and many other products. They provide an opportunity for manufacturers to expand their business away across countries. And it can easily meet the complex distribution needs of manufacturers. These providers operate logistics firm manner and the use of standard processes to ensure extremely meet your business goals on time.

logistics providers works seamlessly with service providers, transportation, supply chain and logistics professionals, customize the solution to the needs of its customers worldwide. It works in cooperation with the air, oceans, brokerage, warehousing, as well as services consolidation. Which range widely integration and distribution services provide global logistics service providers and manufacturers complete control over their own supply chain management. It provides logistics and distribution to customers in the global location where better to meet the business needs of its customers, on time and within budget constraints.

logistics service providers can handle and manage all ocean freight, air freight, land transport and shipments with integration factors flawless receipts and incoming, storage, distribution and storage goods and end-to-end, as well as the port to port service with transit times excellent. They offer port-to-port and door-to-door transit times shipping services consistent throughout the year, and to any site chosen by the manufacturer. And local experts working with manufacturers to book capacity and track shipment anywhere at any time to ensure the goods arrive when needed.

flexible services and locations of the international network to become an inspiring opportunity for manufacturers, suppliers and agencies, transportation, storage and companies to reduce the cost of operation and distribution. And refers them to the door of an effective transport services from door to fast moving goods from the door to the seller / shipper to the door of the buyer. It can include this type of service and the transport of different modes of transport including air, sea or road. Each mode of transport is a specialist needs to professional excellence and understands the comprehensive storage services and distribution.
logistics providers offer absolute professional, and loyalty, and consistency with basic services such as:

1. Air express service, a high priority (24 hours )
2. value-added service to any destination
3. economic and distribution in a timely manner
4. door-to-door and airport to airport service with excellent transit times
5. full container load (FCL) and partial container load (LCL) shipping service
6. worldwide delivery

logistics companies and freight forwarder provides the perfect balance of time and space, and the frequency and cost. It provides the most efficient and effective solutions in terms of cost to meet customers' shipping needs throughout the world while meeting critical time schedules to meet their needs.

Customer relationship marketing opportunities stellar =

1:32 PM Add Comment
Customer relationship marketing opportunities stellar = Management

"It's easier to keep existing customers rather than trying to find a new job."

companies know the bottom line and directly influenced by repeat business and without it, business can struggle. Customer relationship management marketing can generate new opportunities, repeat business, and most importantly, additional revenue.

whether large or small, every business depends on customer relationship strategy. It must be driven by all companies by customers of wants and needs, otherwise they can struggle and eventually fail. Harmonizing the needs of customers with the company's products and services is critical to customer retention and growth of the company.

CRM systems help track every aspect of the customer through the sales and ongoing support. Many companies fail to take advantage of their customer base for income-generating opportunities. Through these systems, it can be other products and services marketing to existing customers to create a "starburst opportunities" that can add to a minimum with a minimum of expense.

For example, you may have a current client using one of the software tools for a long period of time. Over time, increases their use of the tool and the history of the various support calls come in that have been resolved by another application or provide your service company.

This is the perfect opportunity to connect to the existing customer to provide the new generation. And leveraged the current relationship to lead the new sales, which can benefit very well the client as well as the winning company ma true / win situation.

In summary, the current customer base is a potential hotbed of sales of other products and services they offer. You know the customer and their needs and desires, so you're ahead of the curve when it comes to building a relationship and make your presentations. Customer relationship management and marketing is another channel should not be ignored, if you do not use it, you are leaving money on the table.

Transportation Management System - Introduction

12:31 PM Add Comment
Transportation Management System - Introduction

Transport Management System (TMS) is a software that aims to help companies and organizations to effectively manage the supply and logistics chain, it helps to organize and track the movements of products and materials. Also helps transport management system in the management of unit shipment and outgoing and scheduling incoming shipment, the choice of mode of transport and checking payment, shipping and processing losses and damages claims bill etc.

some of the basic functions and features of the transport and shipping planning management system loading and optimal routing, manual steering, and implementation management and communications carrier, shipment tracking and auditing the shipping invoice and payment, information and reports survey, claims management, returns management, appointment scheduling etc.

planning download shipment and routing optimization helps shippers to plan for download and then find a suitable and optimal ways according to their needs. This helps to save a lot of money, time and as a result of the results makes it easier for shipping companies to manage.

manual steering is another advantage of TMS, which helps sellers to get an idea of ​​the direction evidence to the inside in order to improve cost management. Communications implementation and management of the carrier helps shippers to find necessary to assist them in choosing the right airline along with the cost of shipping calculation tools. And TMS also helps you to get an accurate freight bill auditing, as well as in the implementation of part payment. As with any other tools, transportation management solution The report also provides business information, which helps you to get more of an idea about your business and ways to improve it.

and TMS or logistics management system can also be used as an effective software and guide the car that will help you to effectively take advantage of the used car for transportation. And it identifies areas where vehicles can be used effectively without the need for a lot of time and money is spent. Since TMS determines the shortest route, and will lead to reduced fuel consumption and enhance fleet management and utilization.

for small companies that have a very large where small transfers, it is not recommended to use this tool, they might not have any difficulty in the management of all of their transport activities manually. But for a large company with a large number of vehicles and transport activities, it is best to take advantage of the transportation management system services idea, as it will ease the administrative activities and help them to save a lot of money.

had begun more and more companies using logistics management system, and therefore the demand and competition has increased to a great extent. A number of companies has increased until the submission of the application system Transportation Management or shipping management systems. Some of the programs offered to not have the expected quality and one must be sure to select the right and best for their company's transportation management system. There are also many programs and existence of advanced options such as GPS vehicle tracking system or GPS fleet tracking. So while buying programs, scheduling, transportation, and make sure that you have to spend money on the right tool.

Entrepreneurship in the 21st century

11:30 AM Add Comment
Entrepreneurship in the 21st century

many definitions of entrepreneurship can be found in the literature describing business processes. The earliest definition of entrepreneurship, which dates back to the eighteenth century was considered, as a means of economic term describing afford to buy risk in some prices and selling prices is uncertain process. Later, it expanded the term to include the concept of combining the factors of production. This definition has led others to question whether there is any function unique projects or whether it is just a form of management. Recently, the concept of innovation has been added to the definition of entrepreneur-ship. That innovation thrives in many categories: innovation, market innovation, product innovation, the innovation factor, and organizational innovation. He described the latest definitions projects also involve the creation of new institutions while the entrepreneur is the founder.

has gone

great effort also try to understand the psychological and social foundations of entrepreneurship. These studies have noted some common characteristics among businessmen. Most entrepreneurs have a need for achievement, perceived locus of control, orientation toward intuitive thinking, rather than logical, and the tendency for risk. In addition, many commented on the common, but not for all, the subject of deprivation in childhood, and membership of a minority economic and adolescent experiences in the early incarnation as structured heat.

At first glance, then, we may have the beginnings of a definition of entrepreneurship. However, a detailed study of each of the literature, realistic and examples of entrepreneurship and tend to offer more difficult to define, if not impossible to define precisely.

Take, for example, the extent to which entrepreneurship is synonymous with the risk of pregnancy, innovation, or even the founding of the company. Each of the terms mentioned above focus on some aspects of some businessmen. If this holds true, then the likes of Thomas Watson of IBM or Ray Kroc of McDonald's will never qualify. Few scientists say seriously that these people are not businessmen.

Although risk tolerance is an important element of personal projects, many businessmen have succeeded by avoiding risk by seeking others to take risks mentioned. One man highly successful business, he said, "My idea of ​​risk and return is for me to get a reward and others to take risks."

creativity often is not a prerequisite for entrepreneurship either. Many of the successful entrepreneurs are good at simulating and others to improve one way or another on the idea. It will be remembered for the innovation part of those that were necessary for the success of the product.

many questions about the psychological and social qualities of the business continues to arise. How could it be successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs can share the typically identify characteristics? Moreover, it is often some decline "Entrepreneurship" Studies show in the wake of a successful project for the entrepreneur. This tends to refute the central character or personality traits as a sufficient basis for identifying projects.

Thus, we are left with a set of factors and behaviors that characterize the entrepreneurial spirit in some individuals. All of the above tends to reinforce the view that it is difficult, if not impossible to determine what is an entrepreneur. The word itself can be better used in the past tense to describe a successful businessman.

Measuring Entrepreneurship

In spite of the darkness of the current realities of the entrepreneur, there is still a strong boost, especially among practitioners of enterprise development, to measure entrepreneurship in some way. These attempts to measure a set of simple lists through a complex and detailed computer programs. Is the motivation behind the need for a definition and measurement of entrepreneurship from the idea that it is the owner of the project, which is a factor of success in the launch of any business.

he or she is the person who sees an opportunity in the market and then has an incentive and motivation and the ability to meet demand necessary for resource mobilization. The main characteristics of entrepreneurs that have been listed by many commentators as follows.

"multiple self-confidence and skills.

" confident in the face of difficulties and circumstances are not encouraging.

"innovative skills. Sees opportunities often invisible to others.

" results-oriented. Drive that only comes from achieving the goals they have set for themselves require.

"There is a risk taking and often exhibits a successful businessman progressive approach to risk, at every stage exposing himself / herself to measure only a limited amount, of personal risk and the transition from one stage to another as each proves the decision.

"full commitment. Hard work, energy, and the mind is one of the key elements in the composition of the initiative.

However, there is a need to be attached to two of these warnings is a partial list of entrepreneurial qualities.

First, individuals choose to train and develop projects like this set of attitudes and skills in no way guarantees business success.

Second, the characteristics of the projects needed to launch a business successfully are often not those required for the business sector, which is facing growing. The situation becomes completely different once they grow to any size, which makes a range of different object skills. The role of the entrepreneur needs to change with the business as they develop and grow, but more often he or she is able to make the transition.

Dreamers and directors of

in new and emerging companies, and the person who starts work is often structured or insight.

and insight, which begins working with a new idea - to make something better or at a lower cost, to make it in a new way or to meet the unique needs of its kind - often are not interested in the first place to get the money. Insight want to do something no one else has done as it can. It is interesting and exciting, and thus meet the need. As soon as our work starts with some success, to change the nature and processes. This ultimately requires the skill of a different set of people with a vision.

at this stage, and businessmen infant experiences the first set of challenges:

"How can a structured insight transfer of skills and inspiration that made little enterprise success in something bigger

" How do you deal business with cash flow constraints?

"How does it get the legitimacy necessary to enable it to borrow?

often, and insight are not interested in these issues. Visionaries are bad in the supervision of staff, negotiating with investors, or training successors . business now needs professional management focus, which calls for a different set of skills, to manage and sustain growth, which vary from one needed to start projects and enhance vision skills.
application of management skills allowed. Enterprise teenagers to continue to do a good job, but the work culture begins to change the focus of the management structure, policies and procedures and, more importantly, profitability so, business up to the next challenge: the organization requires maturity now an administrative or governance to create checks and balances structure and ensure that the administration's focus does not become too strong and overwhelm the entrepreneurial spirit necessary to create rapid growth and access to new markets.

business in emerging industries go through these three stages characterized by vision, management and governance. to develop a corporate company with the appropriate administrative structures, The business faced a new set of challenges that are common to all industries:

"? How can the work of maintaining vision

"How do you strike that balance between growth, risk and profitability?

" How to create a rule that holds management accountable without undermining the independence and flexibility system?


this session to develop the above actions are common among successful companies. Course in itself raises the question of what to focus on when trying to determine business idea to participate in a program like TKMPK. The real danger for those involved in the activities of choice is the choice of entrepreneurial qualities and administrative skills. This may thus condemning acts to unbalanced growth, poor management and failure at the end of the day, and the institution does not respond adequately to market conditions and new business. Another risk is to try to determine people's ideas.

concentration in any predicative element in the selection process, therefore, must be a balance of both organizational and managerial qualities. The main determinant in the selection of participants for the training of business management must remain a business idea itself.

How to use the framework of the risk management requirements and the threat tracking

10:29 PM Add Comment
How to use the framework of the risk management requirements and the threat tracking implemented

cyber security and information security (INFOSEC) activities designed to protect data and information, systems, and users. Security, software and system stakeholders skilled work together to ensure that meet business objectives while minimizing the risk of threats that data may be lost or control system. This loss may be due to theft, and natural disasters, computer / server malfunction, unauthorized operation or dangerous, or from any other threats. The combination of program management and security approaches to maximize the business functions and capabilities while also protecting the organization. These methods include: requirements management, risk management, threat scanning weakness, constant monitoring, and system and information assistants. Each of these management approaches require considerable experience to achieve maximum results and prevent issues that could otherwise be prevented.

program managers, and representatives of companies and customers, calls for the timely delivery of quality products and service operations products. Great experience increases product quality and performance while reducing risk as well. Experience facilitates the control and open cooperation, and make decisions to maximize innovation and reliability, sustainability, and coordination of assets and resources.

and the concern of program management is important today is that a great deal of confidential information that is collected, processed and stored by each entity and exchange across private and public networks to other computers. Adding to this concern is the fast pace of technology, software, standards, and other changes that must maintain awareness of the industry. It is essential that this information be carefully managed within companies and eBay to prevent both the business and its customers, financial irreparable loss coverage, not to mention the damage to the reputation of the company. Available data and information to protect our moral and legal requirement for each project and requires active participation to be effective.

multiple cyber security tools and techniques used in the development of risk management system and work effectively operations. By necessity, management, and engineering, and the activities of cyber security we must work proactively in implementing needed to maximize the system functions and capabilities requirements while also minimizing the risks. Make no mistake. Threats to our business, systems, and users real. The requirements are documented enough, so must the security controls that are intended to help mitigate the known risks to our systems.


requirements and threats in the same way to ensure traceability and repeatability. There is a need to implement effective management, implementation, monitoring, testing and verification, and verify that the requirements have been met mitigate threats have been established. Leaders difference is the time when you must meet the requirements of the end, managed to mitigate threats and the likelihood and seriousness of the threat to users and companies, and systems. The risks are to show management and mitigation documentation. Documenting these requirements and threats and their supporting details is the key to a proactive effort and a repeat of what is required. We believe that the best approach for this is to keep these clear administration as much as possible and detailed as needed to plan, implement and monitor the program or business. And apply

Risk Management Framework (RMF) operations for security controls that are found in cybersecurity and information security references. These activities are well documented and RMF interfere best practices in management and engineering. Often, you will find that the recommended activities of the measuring results are the activities that already must be done with great proficiency. Tracking these activities and security program requires the ability to verify the history and status of each security control, regardless of whether the system is in development or in operation. Documents necessary detailed. This includes tracking to determine the requirements, security control, and information necessary to track the requirements and security controls, strategies, policies, plans, processes and procedures and control settings, and other information that is required to ensure the development life cycle to repeat the practice and repetition.

program management expertise and risk management are of fundamental importance to the management requirements and risks. Enormous and fundamental experienced and aid are the requirements to trace matrix (RTM) and security monitor trace matrix (SCTM). RTM and SCTM is in the direct basis for the purpose and scope of making it easier to track and repetition of the program. Variants of the RTM and SCTM can be very similar and is tailorable to the needs of the program and customers. There are many examples to get the RTM content or SCTM details, both separate documents, but similar, which may include:
1) RTM unique or SCTM identification number for each element of the condition and security control,
2) referred to any ID numbers items related to the requirements of trace,
3) detailed, word to describe the word of the control condition or security,
4) technical assumptions or customer need related to functional requirements,
5) the current status of the condition or security for control and functional,
6) a description of the function of the document / architectural design,
7) a description of the technical specifications and functional,
8) Description of the functional components of the system (s),
9) a description of the software module and functional (s ),
10) the number of test-related functional requirements,
11) and functional status test requirements and implementation of the solution
12) a description of the document verification and functional, and
13) column varied comments that may help you keep track.

Although the contents of the RTM and flexible SCTM, and the need for such tools is not. With the complexity and the need to protect systems and services today from multiple threats, and experienced managers and engineers, users and other professionals will be looking for the trace that quality and safe systems require.

10 simple ways to improve sales performance

9:28 PM Add Comment
10 simple ways to improve sales performance

Is your business goals to sustain growth, increase revenues, and increase market share? While there are many ways to go about this, the simple truth is expanding your business is not possible without increasing sales. Often, we focus a lot on improving our products and services that we do not focus enough on the sales performance. And when we do, we mainly focus on attracting new customers. So much so that we sometimes forget about the most expensive possessions we have; current and former customers we have. This article discusses ways to attract new customers at the same time last lure customers to buy again.

(1). Communicate organizational goals and sales in all parts of the private section sales.

Is your organization's goals and objectives and clearly documented. Do you have the power of sale in full (including managers, salespersons, and support staff) understand the goals and objectives of the Executive Directors. Do you understand how sales goals and objectives to support the overall organizational goals? This is the number one, the first thing that must be in place in order to have a successful sales program. It is very easy to figure out whether this is a critical step in the place, just ask your team members.

(2). Earn executive management in the purchase.

It is important that the executive level managers buy in your sales strategy. Studies have shown that senior management level that puts value in mobilizing sales performance data for a comprehensive strategy to increase the chances of their institutions to succeed. This is exacerbated by strong sales leadership able to translate sales strategy to work, these organizations are often able to identify the extraordinary results through sales performance management. Executive management can also ensure that your sales program has the funding needed to implement a successful strategy.

(3). Definition and communication competencies for sales staff.

may already have qualified sales. If so, re-evaluate them and make sure they are specific, unique and achieve organizational objectives. Make sure they are not public jobs that do not support the goals characterization. What makes the senior representatives of your sales success. Documenting these properties and processes that have the best performance in place. Imitate these behaviors in all parts of your sales force.

(4). Enhance your sales efforts on products and services that generate most of the income.

Now I'm not saying that you should not try to increase sales in many different fields. I encourage organizations to explore new ways to generate sales. But if there is something that customers really buy in and see the largest sales from that region, you must be on maximizing your profits in these areas even if it means re-allocation of resources from the weaker areas.

(5). Sales training and performance management link systems for your business objectives and competencies.

Make sure that your sales staff is properly trained to implement more effectively its function. Do they have all the resources you need? Are specific challenges of training your sales force encounters title? There, a detailed choice of competency-based process to give you an overview of the strengths of each sales person and the needs of development. Identify areas that each salesperson weak in providing the necessary training for them to improve in those areas. Identify their strengths and take advantage of the knowledge and processes to assist in the training of other employees. The integration of its development plan in the performance management process.

(6). Preparation of sales incentive program.

Let's face it. Most people are not motivated to reach the goal of devices are capable of becoming. Give your sales staff a reason to achieve great things. Rewarding them for their achievements. They will continue to return the favor. Be creative. If this dinner for two at a local restaurant does not raise competition to find something that will. Remember, the more people you can get to compete for incentives and more successful your whole sales team to be.

(7). Encourage sales staff to upsell.

Bceling involves persuading customers to buy additional products or services, which are usually related to, and benefit and compliment the original purchase. But just look them additional products do not work. For example, if you own a business pet grooming, you have tried to upsell customers to buy pet grooming supplies to maintain the current appearance. Not a great example, but you get my point.

(8). Class customers.

This is an effective method, however it should be used with caution. Layers clients and assign different values ​​to customers to ensure the best customers get the best treatment. While there are clients who want to ensure the provision of a service at the highest level, it is important to appreciate all of the customers. More and more companies are using this technique to decide whether you're a customer worth to take care of and it is very disturbing to know that neglect and discriminatory practices almost can occur. The ways in which you might want to show customers that they are important is through recognition, and greeting them by name or get out of the way to contact them and offer them discounts or referral bonuses.

9. prepare customer rewards program.

talked about the sales incentives programs. We now need to focus on customer reward techniques. Programs can reward customers be as simple as providing a discount on each additional product buying customers, to provide them with rewards and incentives, referral, to provide them with VIP status. These simple techniques to build customer loyalty and repeat sales.

(10). Customers value the offer for free, products or services.

give up something for free for your customers is one of the easiest way to get the benefits of viral marketing. This means that customers are more likely to indicate a product or service to their friends or business partners if you can provide a free sample. This is why we see a lot of "free trial" or offers test drive '.

4 ideas to use to improve dental practice

8:27 PM Add Comment
4 ideas to use to improve dental practice

part of the Department of Medicine successful dental office is a dental practice management. Management goes to cover customer service, marketing, billing, and any other service that is needed to run a successful dental practice. The biggest problem facing most dental offices and business administration, all they do is focus on patient care.

The first thing you need to remember about the dental practice management is that you must follow good business practices. The reason for this is that the dental office is just like any other work of the office, and if you do not have good business practices, your business will not succeed. To make sure you follow good business practices you want to make sure that you have some specific regulations in place before you open your practice dental patients. It includes systems must be mapping mode, invoices, accounts payable and accounts receivable, patient record keeping. Without these regulations, you will not run your practice dental smooth.

The next thing that you need to be in place for a good dental practice management is the Director of the Office of good. The presence of the Director of the Office of good help put what you need systems in place, but it can also help you in your office running smoothly. Even if you have an office manager in place, as you are the employer and the need to have a basic understanding of the management offices. You want to know how to interview and hire people, but how to calculate salaries as well.

Another tip is that you can follow your customer service. Do you want your office staff, whether receptionist or dental hygienist, you need to pay attention to how they are dealing with customers. You and your employees need to have some large bed, as well as great customer service skills because they could entice patients to return or stay away. One way to boost your customer service is to read many articles as you can on customer service and make improvements where necessary.

The next thing you should work on is your marketing; and this should be one of your biggest goals as it will help determine how successful you are. When working on the marketing of Dentistry will need to think about all of the marketing techniques that can be successfully used your practice teeth. Some of them are more popular you can choose from are marketed in the form of direct mail postcards, but you can also take out ads in local newspapers or pass out leaflets around the neighborhood. Once you have thought about all the marketing techniques that will work for the exercise you will need to choose the best ones.

when creating your marketing campaign may want to consider using a dental practice consultant, but that does not always have to be the case. Just remember that when you create your marketing campaign will need to include a variety of marketing techniques, including Internet marketing to achieve the best results of the marketing campaign. The more people you are able to reach with your marketing campaign more potential patients your practice will have teeth.

Property management fee explain

7:26 PM Add Comment
Property management fee explain

When you hire a property management company to serve as a liaison between you and your tenants, you want to be sure you are getting the best possible services for the property management for the money. Services provided by a property management company can range from ala carte comprehensive package for all-in-one. Along with the collection of fees for each of them comes up. There is no group in the structure of the stone fee we can provide to you. But we can educate you on what to expect common fees and all that is common with him. In the end it will be up to you to compare the fees the company structures and choose the best one that fit within your budget. Here are some of the most common and what services they provide fees.


This is an ongoing monthly fee imposed on the owner to compensate the property manager of the responsibilities of overseeing the management of their property. This fee can vary from less than 3% to more than 15% of the total value of the monthly rent. Instead of the proportion of some managers may be charging a fixed monthly payment, which can differ again from $ 50 to more than $ 0 per month. All property management companies generally charge these fees.

Lease-up or setup fee

charged this fee to the owner to compensate the property manager for the first time invested and resources used to create the account holders. Show the property and / or other activities which led to the tenant mode. I think you can look at it, "finders fee" to put a tenant in your property. Once the tenant has been developed and the first rental income comes in, and director of the Royal These fees deducted from rental revenues. It is known that some property managers require advance fee in advance to buy the tenant. Usually these fees are non-refundable once the property manager purchase tenant or attempts in any legwork began with the property. This fee can vary from nothing to as much as the first month rent, usually for a fee once for each tenant.

renew the lease fee contract

charged this fee to the owner when the property manager renewing tenants stream of rental covers start a paper or communications business costs involved in the implementation and document new lease. Royal Director may also justify these fees if they make a year-end inspection of property. This fee can vary from nothing to $ 0 or more, and may be charged each time the implementation is to renew the lease.

costs for the ad

depending on the company's contract and property management, either they will pay advertising costs or the owner or they can divide the costs. If the manager is willing to cover this cost, the more likely they'll charge up the lease or setup fee as mentioned above. If the company covers the management of this cost be sure to find out what is included ad type or marketing of your property. If your list to put on their own Web site and other free online classified sites may not be getting your moneys worth. They are many rental or resources tenant good sites on the Internet that brings qualified tenants for a reasonable fee, you will want to look into this. And do not forget the print media, and yard signs, a list on the MLS or even open a house. There is nothing worse than having the property vacant, and thus not in the money just because you or your property manager skimped on advertising.

all follow-up maintenance fees

This is one of those costs that do not may never really known to him, or if you detect. "Mark-up" is the official over and behind the final bill on the maintenance and / or repair work done to your property initiated by your property management company when using vendors or maintenance staff at home. You must disclose this in the contract / your owner's management, which usually provide labels as a percentage over the final invoice from the vendor. For example, the manager to call a plumber to replace a dishwasher in your rental property. Total costs to accomplish this task: $ 400. If you hold property manager provides you will sustain growth of 10% on all maintenance and the actual cost of the work to be $ 440. Just one of those things to be aware of as you eat all of these into your profits.

early cancellation fee

dreaded "three months, not the tenant." Your property manager insist that he or she is doing everything in their power to find you a tenant. But here is 3 months and still no tenant. what do you work. Well, look at your contract manager / owner, which may be your deciding factor. I'm not a fan of this painting, we believe to be drawing unnecessary and director of you there, and this could be a deal breaker. I'll tell you why. If a property manager to do its best to keep the owners in the loop as far as decision-making, market conditions and the lines of communication open owner will not be second guessing his abilities estate managers. Likelihood of this scenario happening is unlikely, but must be prepared for it. Cancellation fees can range from zero to more than $ 500. To be fair, some managers legitimately deserve these fees, especially if they have pocketed advertising costs, incurred a lot of legwork and time spent in your property.

"I've got to be kidding me " fees - these are the ones that I personally had the pleasure of running into .

  • your property is vacant, but we still will charge our monthly committee or a small flat fee.
  • "A rent-a registration fee Yard." I think that this was a $ 25 / month.
  • "preventive maintenance fees." This was to cover the "just in case" and change the filters A / C. If "just in case" never happen they still pocket the money. I think this was a $ 20 / month and I still accused of filters.

In summary

Read your manager / contract owner, and understand what you're signing, ask a lot of questions and know what the fee will buy you services. Good real estate lawyer can help negotiate the terms in the contract that suits both parties. This is not set in stone decades. If your property manager does not negotiate, there are other properties that are eager to earn your business management companies.

Project success criteria and success factors analysis

6:25 PM Add Comment
Project success criteria and success factors analysis

often hear or read about the different success stories. But what is success and what are the criteria that should be used to determine the success of organizations? What are the factors that lead to the success of the project? The purpose of this article is to determine the success of the project standards, and clarify the difference with the success factors and analyze its importance in project management methodology.

one of the mysterious project management concepts is the success of the project. Since every individual or group of people who are involved in the project have different needs and expectations, it is not very surprising that the interpretation of the success of the project in the way of understanding (Cleland and Ireland, 04, P2). "And for those concerned with the project, it is believed that the success of the project is usually in terms of achieving some of the objectives of the project pre-defined" (Lim, Muhammad, 1999, p244) while the general public and different points of view, based usually on the user's satisfaction. A classic example of the success of the project from a different perspective is the Sydney Opera House project (Thomsett, 02), which went 16 times over budget and took four more times to finish than originally planned. But the final effect that created the Opera House was so great that no one remembers the original goals missed. This project was a great success for the people and at the same time a big failure from the perspective of project management. On the other hand, the Millennium Dome in London, the project on time and on budget, but in the eyes of the British people was considered a failure because it did not deliver the horror and the magic that was supposed to generate (Cammack, 05). "In the same way that quality requires both shoddy and fitness for use, the project's success requires a combination of the success of the product (service, as a result, or the results) and the success of Project Management" (Duncan, 04).

The difference between the criteria and factors is mysterious for many people. Cambridge Advanced Learner Dictionary describes the standard as "the standard by which we judge, to decide about or deal with something" while factor explained the "fact or situation that affects the result of something." Lim, Muhammad apply those definitions to the success of the project illustrated the difference, as shown in Figure 1. It is now clear that there are critical factors that could lead to a chain of events which meets the ultimate criteria for the overall success of the project, so it should not be used as it is synonymous.

success criteria

introduced many lists of criteria for success in the past decades by various researchers. The success criteria primitive integral part of the project management theory given that the first definitions of project management success criteria included so-called "iron triangle" - cost, time and quality. (Atkinson, 1999, p338)

Atkinson continues that "as a system, project management has not really changed or developed measurement criteria for success in nearly 50 years." To meet the urgent need for modernization of the standards of the history of success, he suggested that the "yard Way" (Figure 3) the criteria for success, rather than the "iron triangle", where a set of standards that have been proposed to other academics. The main change is the addition of specific objectives, not quantity, and the benefits for different groups of people can get from the project. And looks at the benefits of these two perspectives, one from the point of a single regulatory matter from the standpoint of stakeholders. It is clear that every part will have a different interest projects. For example, can one organization earn a profit through the achievement of strategic goals when the project is completed, and at the same time, these goals have a serious environmental impact in the community with the concerned authorities. This means that a successful project must compromise between the benefits of the organization and end-user satisfaction. The fourth corner of the 'square root' is the information system, which includes maintenance and reliability and validity of the results of the project topics.

one of the "square root", and organizational benefits of corners and drew a lot of attention because of it's importance more and analyzed. Kerzner (01, P6) refers to the three criteria from the point of view of the organization for a project to be successful. The first is that it must be completed "with minimal or agreed scope changes", although stakeholders have consistently different views about the results of the projects (Maylor, 05, p288). Second, "without disturbing the main work flow of the organization" because the project is to assist in the daily operations of the organization and try to make them more efficient and effective. Finally, it must be completed "without changing the corporate culture," although the projects "almost exclusively concerned with change - with the old demolished and the new building" (Baguley, 1995, P8). The primary responsibility of the project manager is to make sure that it delivers only changed whenever necessary, otherwise doomed to find strong resistance from almost all regulatory departments (Kerzner, 01, p158) that can eventually lead to failure of the project.

a more structured approach to the success of the project is to compile standards in the categories. Wideman (1996, p3-4) describes the four groups, each of which runtime support: "The project targets the Interior (efficiency during the project), and the benefit to the client (effective in the short term), a direct contribution (in the medium term) and the future opportunity (long-term) ". And based on the characterization of "time dependent" on the fact that success varies with time. In view of the coming of the organization benefits can be really hard, because in some cases they do not even know what they want, but it is vital to know what the project is trying to achieve after the completion time so you know that success is clearly the standards in the early stages. This is a completely different approach, because the focus of the standards of the current success to the future, a way that moves the project can not be successful during implementation if judged according to criteria such as cost, quality, but in the long term could turn out to be a thriving story. A good example of this hypothesis will host the Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, which received mass criticism, both during the planning period, due to delays in construction time, and when it was final, because of the huge cost. But the benefits you will get from Greece, the Olympic Games can be fully understood after five or maybe 10 years from the year hosting (

all the success criteria mentioned above "should be simple and achievable, and once defined, should also be ranked according to priority" (right path Associates, 03). Clear and easy to understand standards by everyone involved in the project, and thus ensure compliance. Standards can be unrealistic position "failure" label on many projects because of inaccessible standards, can generate the low respect for the team and the performance of the team in future projects, and finally generate unfair disappointment among stakeholders. As for priority issues, it is inevitable that things will go wrong and the project manager will be in a difficult situation where you must make the right decision, taking into account that he had to sacrifice the least important criterion of success.

success factors

As mentioned earlier, the "success factors are those inputs to management that lead directly or indirectly to the success of the project or business system" ( Cook -Davies, 02, p185). Some of the projects "intuitive and informal managers determine their own success factors. However, if they are not clearly identified these factors were recorded, they will not become part of the reporting of a formal project management process as they become part of the historical project data" (Rudd and Levine 02 , P18). Belassi and Tukel (1996, p144) classification of these factors into five distinct groups according to their relevance to this element:

(1). Project Manager

and there will not be the project manager to ensure project success. It must have a number of the necessary skills to be used during the project to direct the rest of the team to complete all objectives successfully. CHAOS report in 01 (International Standish, 01, P6), said business and communication, responsiveness, process, and results and operational realism and technological skills and some of the most important skills to be the project manager to provide success. However, it has concluded that more research resentful Turner and Mueller (05, P59) that "leadership style and efficiency of the project manager have any effect on the success of the project." It is very interesting to investigate the cause of a very respectable professional body for project managers to publish such a situation is contrary. You can find a possible answer in the fact that the results of the project manager is difficult to prove and more difficult to measure. If the project is successful, senior management may claim that all the external factors were favorable. On the contrary, if it turns out to be a failure, the project manager easily become the scapegoat.

(2). The project team

project managers are very fortunate if they have the option to choose their project team. Often, they are bequeathing their team to the project from various sectors of the organization. It is important that there be a good project team to work with, with the basic skills that can develop into core competencies and capabilities of the organization as a whole. Must all members of the project team for the success of the project and public mission of the company is committed to. Apart from their skills and commitment, and must be members of the project team and a clear connection to access "all of the functional manager and project manager within the matrix organization. Effective from this dual reporting channels of administration and is often critical success factor for this project" (PMBOK 04 guide, P215) .

(3). The project itself

type of project confirms some of the factors that are important to success. For example, if the project is urgent, decisive factor in this case is time. It is expected to be ready to work in full view of the Cup final the FA in May 06 at Wembley Stadium, and this is the main goal. However, the increase in terms of cost "management accounts being thrown out of kilter" (Evans, 05) is not a big issue at the time. The volume and value of the project and it's the uniqueness of activities can be a puzzle to the director of the project, which is used for the activities of joint planning and coordination and simple (Belassi and Tukel, 1996, p144).

(4). Organization

top management support is a major success for a lot of independent research groups factor (Tukel and Rohm, 1998, P48) (CHAOS 01 report, P4) (Cleland and Ireland, 02, P210) (Tinnirello, 02 , P14), which means that any project can be completed successfully unless provides real support from senior management or executive project manager. It is extremely difficult to work in a hostile environment where no one understands the benefits that the project will be delivered to the organization. "The contract stakeholder management strategies (the number and size of contracts, and the interface between the different contracts and contract management) is a separate success factors, which are also part of the issues the organization" (Torp, Austeng and Mengesha 04, P4).

(5). The external environment

external environment can be a political, economic, social, cultural and technological (pest) context in which the project is implemented. Factors such as weather, accidents at work or government legislation, positive or negative can affect the project at all stages. "Note that if the client from outside the organization, he should also be considered an external factor influencing the performance of the project" (Belassi and Tukel, 1996, P145). It should also represents competitors for external factors that can undermine the success of the project because the original project could be overshadowed by more glamorous and successful launched another organization that project.


it is important for the project manager to understand what he considers a successful project stakeholders. In order to avoid any surprises at the end of the project, there is an urgent need to identify the different points of view which means the success of the project before going on the air. It is also important to remember that the success criteria are the criteria that will be judged on the project, while the success factors are the facts that form as a result of the projects. Criteria for success have changed greatly over time and moved from the viewpoint of the classic iron triangle of time, cost and quality to a broader context that includes the benefits of the organization and user satisfaction. It has also described the additional framework to capture the success criteria depending on the time. As for the success factors, and it has been divided into five distinct groups, opinions and literature finds that contradicted on the issue of the importance of the project manager to the ultimate success of the project. A common factor by many of the book in question is to support the senior management of the project and is recognized as one of the most important factors at all. In conclusion, it can be defined early success criteria ensure that the viewpoint of the undisputed how the project will be judged on the early detection of the success factors to ensure the security of the path to deliver success.


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