10:41 PM Add Comment
Restructure the management process forces

understanding of organizational behavior is important for managers, who have a responsibility to improve organizational effectiveness, and the ability of the organization to achieve the goals. The goal is desired results in the future that the organization is trying to achieve.

in the past 10 years, and increased the challenges facing managers in the effective use of human resources and organizational behavior management. These challenges stem from the change of power in technological environments, global, social and cultural rights.

organization can gain a competitive advantage, a way to outweigh other organizations providing similar goods and services. You can follow any of the following objectives or all of: increased efficiency and increase quality; increased innovation and creativity. And increase the ability to respond to customers. And increased

organizational efficiency by reducing the amount of resources, such as people or new materials, necessary for the production of quality goods or services. Organizations in an attempt to find the best ways to take advantage and increase the skills and capabilities of their workforce. Employee training through to perform various tasks, and find new ways to organize workers to use their skills more efficiently and improve efficiency. Global competitive challenge facing organizations is to invest in workers' skills to better-trained workers to make better use of technology. Increased competition has also put pressure on companies to increase the quality of the goods and services they provide. And it is called a way to increase the quality of Total Quality Management, a technique borrowed from the Japanese. Total Quality Management includes a whole new philosophy of management behavior in organizations and include elements such as giving workers the responsibility for finding ways to do their work more efficiently, and ways to improve quality.

ethics organization, rules, beliefs, and values ​​that define the ways in which managers and workers must act when faced with a situation which may help or hurt others inside or outside the organization. Promotes ethical behavior and welfare of individuals, groups and organizations, and regulatory environment. Ethics and establish goals and behaviors appropriate to the organization. Many organizations have a goal of making a profit, to be able to pay employees, suppliers and shareholders' salaries. Morality determines what actions you should take the organization to make a profit and should place restrictions on organizations and their managers to prevent damage.

and the challenges of increasing diverse workforce management with international organizations expand their operations. There are many issues that arise in the international arena. First, managers must understand the cultural differences to interact with workers and associates in foreign countries. Understand the differences between national cultures is important in any attempt to behavior management in global organizations to increase performance.

Second, the management functions of planning, organizing, leadership, control becomes more complicated in a global environment. Planning requires coordination between managers at home and abroad. Organization and distribution of decision-making authority and responsibility between headquarters and foreign state is an important function of global managers. Leading sewing requires leadership styles to suit the differences in attitudes and values ​​of foreign workers. Control involves the establishment of evaluation, reward, and policies that strengthen the organization, training and the development of a diverse workforce globally.

Examples of hotel management KPI that you can use

9:40 PM Add Comment
Examples of hotel management KPI that you can use

There are literally thousands of hospitality sector indicators that you can use at the moment. These indicators are known as KPI management of the hotel. When you have a group KPI effective for your business the hotel, and this eliminates the guesswork when it comes to managing the hotel sector. What this does is that it checks the performance of your business by numbers or numbers so that managers will be able to use the data to say what really gong on inside the hotel. Before you get all around and search for KPI management of hotels, you should know the difference between this and Chris hotel. These two are often compared with each other, but what is very diverse. Do not focus on Chris hotel on the good side of the performance of the company; instead, you will get data about how dangerous are your hotel's activities. It is having said that, it is also very useful when it comes to track the health of your business.

Now, when looking for the best KPI hotel management for your business, you should not focus only on the entire organization because it will be very difficult to do so. You will need to divide the key performance in groups or different classifications indicators so that it is easier for you to keep track of them. Among the types of key performance indicators that you can take advantage of them is the main performance of the receiver or the efficiency of the front desk, housekeeping indicators, kitchen, sales, restaurant, shop and maintenance, procurement and others.

Many hotels offer nowadays housekeeping services to its customers. If you manage a hotel which provides this for your guests, it is necessary to follow the performance. This is because many of the customers and precise when it comes to their surroundings, especially their rooms clean environment. They are on vacation so they expect themselves to be pampered and not to be responsible for the task of cleaning their rooms. You can measure the efficiency of housekeeping services through key performance indicators such as the number of staff available to clean up, and feedback from customers on the basis of housekeeping services acquired and the total amount of time required for cleaning and others.

Of course, you can not deny the fact that it is important for you to know how your business responds when it comes to the sales department well. Cash flow is very important, especially in this kind of business. Your hospitality sector indicators may vary according to the different sales efforts that put them. For example, if you have a website, you can check the number or proportion of the inquiries turned into sales. You can also use key performance that will tell you the number of sales per capita a restaurant or bar indicators. You can also measure the gross profit on sales, turnover stock, book value and the nominal value of the share.

Apart from the financial sector and sales of customers, it is important to realize how good the performance of your employees. Always make sure that you have a group of good KPI management that will help you in controlling behavior, professionalism and behavior of your workers hotels.

Project management - time estimates and planning

8:39 PM Add Comment
Project management - time estimates and planning

estimate the exact time is an essential skill for the management of good projects. It is important to obtain estimates opportune time for two main reasons:

1. Time estimates drive deadlines for delivery and planning of projects, and thus will affect the assessment of other peoples of reliability and efficiency as a project manager.

2. Time estimates often determine the pricing of contracts and hence the profitability of the contract / project in commercial terms.

often people underestimate the amount of time needed to implement projects. This is particularly true when the project manager is not familiar with the mission to be carried out. Unexpected events or unscheduled work has not taken a high priority in mind.

project managers often simply fail to allow full complexity or potential errors and stuff ups, involved with the project. And it is often used project Wembley Stadium in London 04-06 as an example, although there are other countless less personal.

task time estimates as inputs into other techniques used to organize and structure all projects. Using estimation techniques timely manner may reduce large projects to a series of small projects.

Step 1 - Understand the project's results

First you have to understand exactly what it is you need to achieve. (See my article; Project Management - begin with the end in mind). Review the project / task in detail so that there are no "anonymous." Some difficult problems difficult to understand to take as much time to solve them.
best way to re-look at the function is just list all component tasks in full detail.

Step 2 - Time estimate

when you have a detailed list of all the tasks that must be achieved to complete the project then you can begin to estimate how long each will take.

Make sure that you also allow time for management to project management, detailed project and connect with resources external bodies "and authorities, meetings, quality assurance developing supporting documentation or the necessary procedures, and training.

also make sure that you time has allowed for:

o other high tasks urgent to be carried out which will have priority over this one

o accident and emergency

o internal / external meetings

Q holidays and illness in the number of staff / key stakeholders

o Contact with other customers, suppliers and contractors.

Q breakdowns in equipment

o delivery missed the by suppliers

Q interruptions by customers, suppliers, contractors, family, pets, and workers co etc.

o other priorities and schedules, for example, local government planning processes

control o rejected quality etc.

Q unforeseen events (such as renovating the bathroom finding white / ants termites in the walls)

these factors may greatly prolongs the time required to complete the project and cost.

If the estimates are accurate time is critical, and you will find it effective to develop a systematic approach to including these factors. If possible, base this on past experience. In the absence of prior experience your own, ask someone who has already done the task or project to advise what can go wrong. What you need to plan for. And over a long period all previously task.

you could lose a great deal of credibility, and money, by reducing necessary for the implementation of the project duration. If you underestimate time, not only you miss deadlines, you can also put other people under unnecessary pressure.

Step 3 - Plan for it going wrong

Finally, allow time for all the expected turbulence expected to work and that is inevitably going to happen and delays. Illness, strikes, materials not available, poor quality work, bureaucratic confusion etc.

Management - 5 benefits of improved communications

7:38 PM Add Comment
Management - 5 benefits of improved communications

communication is a key part of the management. As a manager, there will be instances where you will have to connect a new policy or a process, and sometimes where you will have to understand the issues that affect the achievement of results or poor performance, to report or business case to secure additional resources for, but not limited. What is the benefit of improved communication?

interest rate of 1: avoid misunderstanding

when you connect something new to people, it is easy for things to be interpreted or taken out of context. As a manager you can avoid misunderstandings by making sure that when you take, you state what is required, checking to understand and listen to the questions that are raised.

benefit 2: The best solution to the problem

Have you ever come across a situation where you are I think I would have quickly discovered the problem that someone had told immediately what should be done only to find out that nothing has changed? If you have, you are not alone. Many people when they face problems, give a lot of focus on coming up with solutions that have failed to listen and understand exactly what is the cause. Ask a lot of questions to clarify the problem is a simple, yet effective way too overcome this.

benefit of 3: more effective decision-making

You will not get everything right in the resolution, which is a certainty. You can do this, get a larger number of right than you get from the error by simply writing of all the options and the pros and cons of each. If you have to recommend this resolution, the same approach can be taken and you can add in another step where you look at the decision through the eyes of decision makers.

benefit 4: Best Teamwork

difference which operates want to feel involved and communicate with them is one of the easiest and cheapest things to do. For example, imagine that there is some change coming that will affect the team. And strategies to tell them and leave it at that. The alternative would be to connect to change, and listen to their concerns and get their ideas about how as a team and everyone can work together to make it a success. Which strategy do you think has the biggest impact?

benefit 5: Secure resources

from time to time you will need to secure resources. It may be an additional employee, a piece of equipment or a training program to name a few. If you can create and provide a convincing argument, you dramatically increase your chances of success.

There are multiple benefits of improved communication. So where do you need to develop your communication skills in order to be a better manager?

Management - 6 Steps to take more effective decision-making

6:37 PM Add Comment
Management - 6 Steps to take more effective decision-making

managers and leaders that many of the decisions taken. Some of these are routine and easy, others will be more difficult. What the 6 steps you can take to be more effective decision-maker?

Step 1: clearly identified your target

every time you have a decision to make, think about the goal or outcome that you want to achieve as a result of the decision. Once you have clarity on the target or the result becomes much easier to complete the remainder of the decision-making process. As the saying goes, start with the end in mind.

Step 2: Collect the necessary information

there will be times when there is an abundance of information and times which will be scarce. Each time that you are facing a decision, think about the kind of information that will help you make a decision. From this point, to get a clear basic information and go and find it.

Step 3: Create Options

with any decision, there will be a number of options available. Brainstorm options without any form of assessment at the beginning. For example, imagine one of your goals to improve your skills in decision-making. In the initial ideas put options may come with things like reading a book, attending Talichaelas, read blogs on the Internet, and go to a workshop or training session.

Step 4: evaluate the options and make a decision

every option you generate will have advantages and disadvantages. It takes time to evaluate all of the options and make a decision about the balance of what appears to be the best option in this case.

Step 5: Implement your decision

implementation is when you move from analysis to action. When you get a job you start getting results, so make sure that you are taking the necessary measures.

Step 6: monitoring and adjustment

The final step is to monitor the results that you're getting compared to what you expect. Things may go as expected, and it may not be, but you can adapt and make changes if necessary.

At the end of the day, a magic formula that there are no guarantees of success in the decision-making process. On the other hand, through a structured approach and the work that lay the foundation for decision-making more successful.

Risk factors in the application of total quality in your organization manage

5:36 PM 1 Comment
Risk factors in the application of total quality in your organization manage

This article Total Quality Management is about the application of total quality management (TQM) in the organization. It is well known that the business world that this is not an easy task. However, there is a systematic approach to assess the likelihood of success in the implementation of total quality management provides an early indication of the proceedings. The following is a set of questionnaires to assess five critical success factors for the implementation of total quality management in the organization. It's a simple and straightforward questions asked him to draw a willingness of the organization in the sate of preparedness. You must be answered to the questions in the skill of 0-10, being 0 is the lowest score and 10 the highest score. In allocating the result, it should be taken into immediate answer in mind rather than thinking in a very precise. There are 2-3 questions for each of the critical success factors.

strategic focus

  1. to what extent is the goal to improve the team focused on the strategic objectives of the organization?
  2. to what extent the success of the team related to the financial success of the organization?

Management Commitment

  1. to what extent senior managers review progress improvement teams?
  2. How often involve senior management in the team's activities?
  3. What are the recommendations to improve the team and approved by senior management

links of the Organization of the line

  1. to what extent the recommendations to improve the team executed by the rest of the organization (another circle with similar operations
  2. to what extent are derived from the recommendations of the improvement of methodological tools?
  3. the extent to which the recommendations to improve the team experimented before the launch of a solution?

organizational focus versus career

  1. to what extent is the employee in your organization a reward for achieving the organization's goals?
  2. How well do the employee in jobs and departments in your organization work?
  3. to what extent and team It emphasizes the project to improve the regulation, rather than a functional projects?

ways and support

  1. to what extent you have teams get training and support from trained facilitators on a regular basis?
  2. to what extent your team follow the methodology of continuous improvement?
  3. to what extent your sponsor improve understanding of the methodology?

In short: When you have finished all questions, you can draw the lead to graph the radar with a high degree in the outer area of ​​the chart radar. The shape of the graph radar provides a clear indication of an area for improvement focus. These surveys should be taken as indicators of success in the implementation of total quality management.

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Disclaimer: this article was written by before author on the basis of his experience and practical application. All definitions and interpretation of terminology are his point of view and her that he has no intention to interfere with experts on a similar subject. The author holds no responsibility for the use of this material in any form.

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free to reprint or republish: . All rights reserved. You are free to reprint or re-publish this article as long as you include my resource box at the end of this article. Please make sure that the site URL in the resource box is left intact and it is linked to the author's website.

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Expansion or growth businesses

4:35 PM Add Comment
Expansion or growth businesses

expansion or growth in business organization simply means an increase in size and capacity. It also involves the diversification of products, machinery and package better for workers, good network, reducing downtime, and reduce waste, manpower disciplined, less the incident report, and profit maximization, cost saving etc issue of expansion or growth is a mirage without making human efforts, which range from operating machines in manufacturing organizations, decision-making, and a source of raw materials and marketing finished products movement of goods. Any organization should be adopted expansion or growth in its business activities first put the interests of the workforce have a full heart because they are the focus of expansion and growth. Without the expansion / growth and organizations stand in danger of collapse whenever placed in competitions. Expansion / growth makes the organization stands firmly by adverse conditions is also used proceeds from other business activities as a supplement to the appointment of the troubled company back on track.

story can be told of two soap manufacturing industries in Aba, Abia state Nigeria; a fair Associates International (IEA) and Patterson Zochonis me, (PZ), which began producing soap of the same year. The first, which does not have a policy of expansion in their programs were having a hard time to stand on her feet while the latter Messenger expansion has become a household name in Africa with branches and warehouses scattered all over the continent. Because of this lack of vision on expansion and growth in most of the organizations that have been the cause of some of these business organizations have become extinct and dying.

keys to expansion / growth

1. good policy / decision-making: with the organization to take a good policy / decision-usually stands taste of times, because of the kind of policies or decisions initiated by the owners in the day to day running of the work. If the organization embraces the wrong policy or decision in their business activities, its collapse is imminent.

2. Good planning: any organization does not plan well must crumble. This involves actions to take and when to take and strategies that rely on access to the target path. Organization with the way poor planning can never grow because it lacks any technical how to achieve the desired goal.

3. strong financial base: This is one of the most essential factors that promote growth and expansion in business organization. Without a strong financial base, and the company's policies, visions, and aspirations can not be actualized for about eighty percent of the actions to be taken based solely on this. Business organizations should seek to make money available in accordance with its goals and objectives with respect to the expansionist policy.

4. Research: Without the search, any organization will stand. It involves an insight into the world of possibilities and impossibilities because they affect the organizational progress, growth rate, and the obstacles, products, market requirements, etc. It is a mirror that looks at the future of each organization on the basis of data available from the day -to-day running of the business . As it turns out there is a trend in the company, which operates in terms of total output, and demand for products and consumption of the product.

5. Accountability: any organization that does not accept the right accountability in their daily activities are doomed. Proper accountability disclose the financial condition of any organization.It it is from this that the company know whether it is gaining or losing thus develop plans on how to check the anomalies. It also reveals where the company must intensify efforts to maximize profits and reduce losses.

Things to watch for in expanding the business organization and / growth

i. Motivation: Every stimulate the entire labor force organization if he planned to embark on expansion. Each expansion must begin True / growth of the motives of the workforce as a whole because it brings out the best of them and make them work more efficiently. Organization without the motivation of the entire workforce can not be proud of expansion because it is the mastermind behind any move to achieve the highest levels.

II. Product diversification: organization with a lot of goods and services in high demand thanks to its name is undoubtedly expand. This is very important, and the profits will be coming in various fields, which enhances stability.

III. Network / versatility: This is one of the things to watch. It tells about the sites, interventions and activities your worldwide. Without networking, and the policy of expansion of the company is never complete.

IV. Affiliations: organization has had a major expansion program typically affiliates with another with this policy, so they can share ideas and others to achieve the highest levels.

against the annual accounts: This shows the profits and losses, and access to the company and so is a measure to ensure the financial strength of the organization.

advantages of expansion / growth

a. It creates popular respect and recognition among business organizations.

b. It increases profits when used properly.

c. The outcome of diverse business activities can be used during adverse conditions.

d. Business organizations with the expansion of programs usually have a strong stable foundation when fully implemented.

e. The development achieved easily, as society is flooded with innovations and basic infrastructure, which works to improve the standard of living.

disadvantages of expansion / growth

a. It is very expensive.

b. It lends itself to embezzlement if it is not monitored properly.

c. Delays in decision-making in order to consult with all concerned authorities time.

d. It is very difficult to manage as they are scattered in various units in different locations.

e. Some managers from other units trying to be independent, which creates competition among the top positions in the organization.

regardless of the disadvantages of expansion, should a business organization seeking to embark on that (expansion) because it is a platform for a solid base and stability.

Directed to upgrade information systems business

3:34 PM Add Comment
Directed to upgrade information systems business

upgrade your business information system is a necessary process that every successful enterprise must be implemented. This process can exist formally or informally anywhere using the work of information technology. Because this will require you to become a customer for a number of different vendors, and the development of your information systems and become a lot about management skills, and require one of the scholars on the subject before taking it.

information systems in the field of your own business and include more than their fair appliances include operating systems, and providers of telecommunications equipment and applications purchased from external service providers.

Given the technical knowledge required management skills for a successful upgrade information systems business is down, many companies often end up spending more than they should while performing this process due to inadequate planning. In this era when the economy is recovering from the financial crisis, it is important to improve the development process and save money by planning well. Managers of large companies responsible for the development occupy themselves making the process more efficient, and with this goal in mind that the use of tools such as the purchase and exchange of electronic data cards. In addition, they work to reduce the cycle time of their contracts and the use of tracking systems for the management of various business assets.

in small businesses, these measures may be unnecessary. But if the organization is considering the development of their business information system, it might be a good idea to have one or more loyal staff oversee the process. This person, or a team, you will be required to keep inventory of all assets owned by the business, and perform routine tests on the equipment. In addition, they will need to select the equipment that needs upgrading, and the level of urgency. You will also need to interact with suppliers to ensure that you get the best value for new purchases, and provide new equipment meets all the requirements of your business.

since the business information you need to continuously updated systems, it is important to develop work with some vendors relationship, and maintain this relationship to ensure better service and more efficient operations . It is also important to ensure that there is a strict standard retained in the performance criteria, and all equipment and assets in the company. This will affect all other purchases and discards. You will also need to constantly update your plan to upgrade with an eye on your business model and current goals.

Human resource management and organizational effectiveness

2:33 PM Add Comment
Human resource management and organizational effectiveness

(1). Introduction

organizational effectiveness depends on having the right people in the right jobs at the right time to meet the changing needs regulatory quickly. The right people can get the performance of the role of human resources (HR) function. The following is an outline and explanation of how to assess the human resources functions of the organization by using the human resources activities in the architectural firm as an example. Human Resources Management (HRM), as defined by Bratton, J. & Gold, J. (03), is

"a strategic approach to the management of labor relations which emphasizes that take advantage of people's capabilities is critical to achieve sustainable competitive advantage, and this is achieved through a distinctive set of employment and integrated programs and practices policies. "

According to this definition, we can see that human resources management should not just deal with hiring, pay, and discharge, but also should make the most of human resources of the Organization in a more strategic level of benefit. To describe what HRM is not in the organization, Ulrich, D. & Brocklebank, W. (05) identified some of the roles of human resources management such as call employees, human capital developer, functional expert, strategic partner and leader of human resources, etc.

an important aspect of the commercial focus of the organization and the trend towards achieving high levels of efficiency and competitiveness will depend heavily on human resource management practices to contribute effectively towards the profitability and quality, and other targets in line with the mission and vision of the company.

recruitment, training, compensation and performance management are fundamentally important tools in human resources that make up the Organization's role in meeting the needs of its stakeholders practices. Interest of the Organization of the owners and comprises mainly of shareholders who want to earn on their investments, customers who met the wants and desires of the products or services of high quality, and employees who want their jobs in the organization to be interesting with reasonable compensation and the system of reward and finally the society in which you want the company to contribute to and participate in the activities and projects related to environmental issues. You must abide by the rules and procedures of the common human resources management by the organization that make up the basic guidelines in their practices. You must create teamwork between lower levels of staff, management and maintenance to help at different angles that will deem necessary to eliminate communication breakdowns and promote better relations between the workers. Management must emphasize good corporate culture for staff development and create a positive and favorable working environment

performance assessment (PA) is one of the important elements in a rational process The methodology for the management of human resources. Information obtained through the performance evaluation and provide the foundations for the selection and hiring of new employees, and training and development of existing staff, and to stimulate and maintain a high-quality work force by adequately and properly reward their performance. Without reliable performance evaluation system, and human resources management system collapse, resulting in a total waste of human origins worthless company.

There are two main goals of performance evaluation: evaluation and development. The purpose of this evaluation is intended to make people aware of the performance of professional standing. Often performance data collected to reward high performance and penalize poor performance used. The purpose of this development, and aims to identify problems in the performance of the staff and the task assigned. The use of performance data collected to provide the necessary training or professional development skills.

2. Affirmative action has helped many minority members in the creation of equal opportunities in education and employment. Who can object to help these minorities, who have suffered years of discrimination in access to equal opportunities they deserve? The problem is, affirmative action promotes racial preferences and quotas that cause mixed feelings. One-time supporters of affirmative action are now calling the "reverse discrimination." If we want a stronger support for affirmative action, we need to get rid of preferential treatment.

backbone of affirmative action began with the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment. The abolition of slavery and any amendment of forced labor, showed there was a call for equal opportunities for all citizens of South Africa.

a comprehensive strategy for human resources play a vital role in achieving the overall strategic goals of the institution and shows clearly that the human resources function fully understands and supports the direction that moves the organization. A comprehensive human resources strategy also support other strategic objectives defined by the marketing, financial, operational and technology departments.

In essence, should the human resources strategy aims to capture the "people element" of what the organization hopes to achieve in the medium and long term, and ensure that: -

You will have the right people in place

it will have the right mix of skills

Q staff display the correct attitudes and behaviors, and

Q is staff development in the right way.

If, as is sometimes the case, has developed strategies and plans of the organization without any contribution of human resources, and justification for the human resources strategy may be more about the teasing of the factors people implied that are inherent in the plans, rather than just outright them to summarize "the people" content.

human resources strategy will add value to the organization if:

Q speaks more clearly some of the common threads that underlie the achievement of plans and other strategies, which have not been identified fully before; and

o determine the basic fundamental issues that must be addressed by any organization or work if people can be motivated and committed to working effectively.

The first of these areas will involve a careful study of existing or develop plans and strategies to identify and draw attention to issues of common effects, that are not explicit before.

must be a second area on the identification of any of these plans and strategies indispensable that there must be clear plans to address them before the organization can achieve any of its objectives. It is likely to include:

planning issues Q workforce

Q succession planning

o skills of the workforce plans

Q equality plans in employment

Q black economic empowerment initiatives

o fair treatment issues

levels Q wage aims to recruit motivated and Walahtvaz out and motivate people

Q coordinate the approach to pay and grading throughout the organization to create consensus and claims of possible wage asymmetrical

organic farming grades and wage system, which is the exhibition and give appropriate shareholder reward

Q broader employment issues that affect the recruitment and retention of staff, motivation etc.

the framework of performance management steady organic farming that have been designed to meet the needs of all segments of the Organization, including its people

o professional development that looks at the development within the organization in the frameworks provide employees with "work" so that they can deal with the frequent changes increasingly in work patterns and employment

o the necessary policies and frameworks to ensure that addresses the development of people systematically issues: competency frameworks and self-managed learning etc.

The human resources strategy will need to show that careful planning issues will facilitate people to a large extent for the organization to achieve wider strategic and operational objectives.

In addition, the human resources strategy can add value by ensuring that, in all other plans, the organization bear in mind and plans to make changes in the wider environment, which are likely to have a significant impact on the organization, such as:

changes Q in the general labor market - demographic levels or reward

Q cultural changes that will affect their work patterns in the future

o changes in employee relations climate

o changes in the surrounding legal framework

o human resources and work practice being developed in other organizations, such as the new flexible working practices.

find the right opportunity to make a case for the development of the human resources strategy it is critical to ensure that there will be support for this initiative, which will be recognized as the initial value by the organization.

give a practical point of view of the strong proposed strategy may help gain acceptance for the idea, such as the focus on the practice of good governance. It is also important to build "at an early time or quick wins" in any new strategy.

other opportunities may represent the perfect moment to encourage the development of human resources strategy: -

agriculture major organic new internal initiative that could provide the right opportunity to press for the facilities and human resources strategy, such as the restructuring process, the acquisition process companies, joint ventures or mergers practice.

oa new externally generated initiative could generate the right climate Similarly to the development of new human resources strategy - for example, the black economic empowerment initiatives.

o, in some cases, even negative news may provide "the right moment," for example, was the last work stoppage or employee dissatisfaction through climate study.

The ABC project management for project managers

1:32 PM Add Comment
The ABC project management for project managers

I saw a recent independent film is very interesting (on DVD) that sparked the thought. 1992 film "Hat Glen Ross" is a film about some desperate salesmen in a desperate situation. Alec Baldwin, who plays Blake, participate in a diatribe abuser too with sales team and who exclaims "ABC. Always A-, B- Be, the C-closing. Always be closing, always be closing." Having been in the role of sales in a previous life you've heard this before, but I pondered this for a moment. Then I asked myself: "Is there an ABC News project management?"

dug deep into my collective resources on project management and found a document that you intend to use for the basis of this article. The report said, "the title of the competencies of the project managers," and I thought for sure it was going to provide information that can benefit project managers in all industries. It turned out after reading this document again it was an eye-opening experience for me. Although I've seen this information before the presentation, looking at it again I discovered why the PMO failures in the company. Competencies listed did not tie back to any efficiencies to manage projects related to PMBOK or any other project management methodology, including your very own solution for project management in the company paid for. In fact, it has been circulated competencies that can be used to carry out the role of a typical managers. But being optimistic, and I have a solution so let's go into it.

and project managers feel that we must follow the same ABC News that the vendors do not, but from a different perspective, "Always be closing." Now let's break this to the standards that apply to the project managers, this is an action-oriented. Think of all of the project manager is responsible for. First, a quick review of the project management process groups, and it consists of ...

and start planning, implementation, control and monitoring, and Closing.

"Always be closing" in each of the groups of the project process. In each of these groups, there are a number of items that need to be addressed. Get them on your list, or obtained in the project plan and work on the close of business items. Always be closing!

In addition to the operating groups, there are areas of knowledge nine of project management, which consists of ...

integration management
management of the scope of
Time Management
Cost Management
management quality
human resources management
communications management
risk management
Purchasing management

for each of these groups, there are elements that It may be determined necessary for the success of the project. Again, determine what needs to be done, and get on the plan or on the list of tasks and "always be closing."

There are more ABC News for the management of the project to keep in mind for the success of the project. ABC next on the list is "Always be polite." With respect to this, it is good to remember that with the project managers and we also understand the personal responsibility and customer service. This includes understanding between individuals in the work of individuals and learn how to get the best out of the individuals on the team. I personally love the personal disk personal way to learn about the resources your team. In regards to customer service, and if you put yourself in the role of customer service for a few moments, as a project manager you are in the role of service and team members are clients. Kindness and understanding get beyond the bitterness and intolerance.

The following is a list of ABC News is "to always be considerate." This is not similar to direct polite. This is directed towards the impact and influence of the project manager. Here is where the project manager should be considerate of the organization and understand the need to build a relationship. If the project manager is aware of the organization and its goals, the project manager can reinforce this when the going gets tough on projects. When it comes to building a relationship, as manager of the project, we may need to influence these relationships in order to have an impact on the success of the project through the integration of sound practices for project management. Sound process benefit the current projects and provide valuable information for future projects advantages.

This next ABC is about the administrative side of project management, this is "always be growing." The focus of this topic is about teamwork, developing others, team leadership and being assertive. We as a project manager in the lead role, which is responsible for the success of the team as well as the success of the project. There are times when we may need to develop others either with guidance or training in order to get the best results from the resource team. We need to realize that when there is a typical creation of new teams to form a set and break into and conformity. In this case (and others) and we need to provide leadership, self-convincing and use of personal strength confirmation to keep the focus on the objectives of the project and seek cooperation.

and the next ABC for project managers "Be always knowledge." This is the area that needs to be project managers even to think analytical and conceptual. In regards to analytical thinking, project managers we will be dealing with various problems and complex situations. There is a need to be able to scrutinize the information and break it down into concrete facts that can provide a solution to this situation. This is not a specific task for a project manager, and this may require the team to gather and discuss the situation and follow-up process to break it down and resolved. It should be a project that will be able to recognize it and take the necessary action director. The theoretical thinking on the other hand may involve experience or training to provide solutions. And not on a purely fact-based, but also take into consideration intuitive processes, creativity and inductive reasoning. I feel that this place is an organization may consider Agile project management, be advised that this requires a certain type of mentality of project management in order to be successful.

There are two more ABC News to consider so let's keep going. "Be always competent." This has four areas for consideration, self-control, self-confidence, flexibility and organizational commitment. This is pretty self-explanatory after, let's take a moment to review. Restraint is a huge project manager as we face the issues and risks that arise during the course of the project. If we kept our cool in the face of the challenge that reflects our ability to take responsibility and keep the project on track. Self is the area that connects the ability of project managers to be in control of his surroundings and be confident in the outcome of confidence. It is our ability to respond to the state in exchange for interacting with the deficit. The key point here is to take the time you might want to think and respond accordingly. There will be times that you will be asked to find a solution, and to respond to what action might be taken to resolve the issue and give it time. Flexibility, this is a broad topic that takes into account the resources and triple constraints of project management. Be aware of this and determine how to deal with it, taking into account the success of the project. How there is a large degree of flexibility depends on the type of project is managed. Organizational commitment is when you are working on improving the organization and not the financial condition of your wallet.

And last but not least, "I always have to communicate." This situation along with the "always be closing." This topic was not even on the original list of competencies but it is certainly very important. As project managers must be at the head of communications between the project team members and we must communicate the proper project reporting that feeds in the series. Although it is good to get things for the team in an e-mail, be sure to talk with team members on the phone or in person, especially if you have cost them something to do. I'm not sure I like the word "charge". Why are not only "T" remove and follow-up "request" for them to do. Communication is very important, we must be convincing in the means of communication we have in order to encourage a better response than those on the team. I'll say it here, you will not find me peeling lemons and going through the snack the team. But add some sweetener and water, and will cool even more thirst hot. And really, and that's what we want to do, we want to make the project work, and we want the project to be successful. You should display goodness and kindness in your communications if you want to be effective. There is a time and place to deal with difficult team members, communicate the best way that causes the productivity of your resources, and measure results.

Let's take a moment to recap this information. What we have reviewed here are seven ABC News project management for project managers. Here is a list of them ...

1) are always close
2) Always be polite
3) are always pastures
4) are always planting
5) always have the cognitive
6) always be competent
7) always communicate

may need to take the time to re-read this article and take some notes this comparison to current procedures and see if you can improve the results. If something can be done to improve the success of your project, or the project team or organization, there is something that your learned here that can help you? I certainly would like to hear from you. Similarly, I would certainly enjoy hearing about your experiences.

Saleh by restaurant software solutions and restaurant POS software includes management

12:31 PM 9 Comments
Saleh by restaurant software solutions and restaurant POS software includes management

restaurant management from a wide range of functions including operations management, front office operations and processes kitchen and warehouse, for example, a few. Restaurant management software provides management and all departments in the restaurant tools to manage the restaurant by tracking while every part and piece record program.

to get the process on the front desk / cashier officer at points of sale (POS) is the actual location of which is the sale of goods to customers. Are all sales transactions and operations through a computer. High volume of cash and credit cards that pass through the restaurant every day to make restaurant POS system need.

POS solution makes batting cash transactions more secure for both customers and businessmen. Servers are responsible for all sales, and it is impossible to change the checks in the computer because of the security element in the system.

There is a good restaurant software provides powerful management tools no reports, track inventory in real time, and customer information to improve service and allow for flexible configuration product pricing with checks to prevent employees from selling below a certain rate prices.

"The most important thing for an employer is to provide quality and service its customers products"

software solutions for the food industry and beverage restaurant are various types of institutions of any cafe, Grill, Bar and Grille, a restaurant, Qatari clubs, hotels, cafeteria or any other food service establishments, is a complete set of software modules designed to provide any food service work with the information needed to run the day to business processes and control on efficiently.

points integrated sales also supports touch screen stations (including Pocket PC stations handheld), printers, security management, setup / configuration management, floor and table management, system administration client, and host management, management relations customers, inventory cash management and credit card management, and PDA-based system, built-in customization and comprehensive management reports according to the client's need.

wireless feature innovative restaurants in the information system enables staff to efficiently fulfill customer orders anywhere in the restaurant. It allows you to create and modify orders via wireless enabled PDA (Windows Mobile 5.0 and higher) devices directly from the customers table resulting in customer satisfaction better and improve the turnover table.

MARS model of individual behavior and the results of

11:30 AM Add Comment
MARS model of individual behavior and the results of

companies seek to answer many questions in efforts to benefit from the positive employee behavior in the workplace. The goal of most companies is to promote win-win situation for both the company and the associate. What is the difference between satisfied employees happy and motivated disgruntled employee? Is the amount of money he or she makes, or the amount of time they spend on the job? Is the work environment? Is it the position of the employee meets the needs? The employee can perform successfully? Do you know the employee role they play in their organizations? Management has provided employees with the necessary tools to be successful? In fact, there is not a form of individual behavior to answer these questions well. MARS of individual behavior and the results that have been made in the second quarter of Organizational Behavior, 4th Edition model (McShane and iPhone Glinow) is an excellent way to create a win-win relationship between the employer and the associate.

identifies this model four interrelated elements that have an impact on staff performance. Motivation, ability, cognition and the role of situational factors. These factors are interdependent too. For example, a skilled data analyst in consecutive reports (ability), who taught himself how to use the latest tools to extrapolate data (motivation), and understand how this information will help management to make decisions (the role of cognition), but does not have the access required for data files (situational factors). However, if they meet all the elements of a form MARS, employee behavior and performance will be adversely affected.

said the successful director of a clear understanding of the elements mentioned above will own and be able to apply them. Motivation is internal influence affecting staff procedures. Employers must meet the actual needs of the associates to take full advantage of the motive element of this model. In order to accomplish this task, it must be an employee of capacity. Managers are responsible for ensuring that employees receive training and skills necessary to be successful. Another crucial function of the power element is to place employees in positions that would effectively use their talents. The third element of the MARS model is the role of visualization. It must be faculty members and a clear understanding of where they fit in the organization and how they contribute to the overall message. The job description with a comprehensive and clear expectations associate helps in understanding the role of visualization element. The last element is situational factors. It must have all employees of tools, equipment and work space required to accomplish this task.

How can the director of the Mars-based model? Starting from the stimulus, and it must be employers a good relationship with the staff and discover the driving force behind their actions. One of the known theories of motivation organizations must consider is Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Satisfied in the workplace hierarchy Maslow hierarchy levels as follows:

Level 1 - the physiological body - Good salary and work conditions are safe.

Level 2 - Safety and Security - vocational training and enrichment programs.

Level 3 - Social and Friends - building seminars and team camaraderie in the workplace.

Level 4 - Respect - Employee recognition for the performance and promotion program.

Level 5 - self-awareness - self-rule, and choose their own tasks.

According to Maslow, when he met a need, and continue to provide an incentive to have little or no effect. In the field of information technology (IT), and managers soon realize is the motivation of information technology staff from the upper levels. Self-respect and understanding and not necessarily by increasing the salary or perceived punishment.

and the highest motives not be successful if it does not possess the capabilities required for the job factor. Managers will need to understand the key tasks, required skills set to accomplish this task and effectively recruit the best candidates. Provide training and ensure associates will be given the best chance of success.

The third element of the MARS model is the role of visualization. As previously stated job description comprehensive and continuous feedback indispensable to ensure employees understand how they play a role in the company. In the discipline of information technology, it is divided support staff usually by technical and non-technical. Examples of the coaching staff to be a server technicians and network administrators, programmers and database administrators to name a few. The non-technical staff to be trained software, and the staff of implementation and data analysts. When working IT issue is very important to guide customers to the right staff to support. In order to adopt this model, Managers must ensure that employees understand what role they play in achieving the organization's mission

the last element of the MARS model is a factor situational. To be successful, you must be an employee required to perform this task tools. The existence of a safe working environment, and sufficient time and the right people are aspects of the work organized by the organization, not the employee. In the field of information technology, and one way to achieve the above is to ensure that employees are given the appropriate level of access based on their position. This policy protects each other on the integrity of the system as well as the employee.

In conclusion, the MARS model of motivation, ability, and perceptions of the role of situational factors help managers to understand how and why employees succeed or fail. In order to successfully implement this model and reap the benefits, companies must strive to meet all four elements.
is recognized as the MARS model in Chapter 2 of organizational behavior, McShane, S. & iPhone Glinow, MA (08). (4TH Ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill.

What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

10:29 PM Add Comment
What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

with the management and leadership is often discussed in the context of a very similar, and both are usually - and often somewhat mistakenly - seen as being very similar to each other, or even at the same thing, apparently with no differences at all. While there are certainly some similarities is very clear between the two countries, and the managers and leaders should be seen and appreciated completely separate entities, with each one adding somewhat different mentalities and often also takes a different approach through their roles given within the business and within the institution.

in his book entitled "to become a leader," Warren Bennis composed based on what he thinks the differences between manager and leader. In an attempt to understand the differences to him between the two countries, we take a look at the four points of the list Bennis "and clarify their meanings, in order to understand the real differences between management and leadership:

1. Director mimics, leader] leader is the original, as far as they are usually those in the organization who are responsible for coming up with the overall strategy for the business sector that then filters throughout the rest of the organization. as filters through access to managers arises


(2) . Director and focuses on systems and structure of . leader on people focus

while the director focuses on delegating the work and tasks of the people, their priority is that the work is done and done correctly. to get this work done, and the attention of the Director of the people to be essentially first-class abilities and skill level. At the same time, a leader of the focus will be on people - primarily on the management team directly beneath it - to make sure that the business runs as smoothly as possible.

(3). Director relies on control; leader inspires confidence

from the original model of the manager is the person who should be - and should be - in control no matter what. This is unfortunate for the director - the need for after all, they need to be in control of their employees in order to effectively manage - that can make them sometimes unpopular or portray them in a negative way perhaps. Leader's role, then, is to inspire confidence in all parts of the organization. It is certainly the case that an untrusted leader can have representation and the face of the business is not trusted, so confidence is critical. However, it must be a good leader knows that if you were to look at their managers as well as untrustworthy or, alternatively, it can also damage and discredit them, too.

(4). Director of reserves, leader develops

responsibility manager is to ensure that the business continues to operate as an effective, good-oiled machine. It concerns the leader of the growth and development of the business on an ongoing basis and managers to maintain and care for then that growth and development through management.

with some of the differences between managers and leaders mentioned above, it can be said that to some extent, and looks at the administration, in particular, in some cases in the light of the perhaps more negative than driving. However, both the management and leadership task when it works and works in unison:

  • leadership without management can result in theory and brilliant ideas, but are likely to ignore the proper and effective implementation of
  • management without leadership at the same time can lead to staff workloads well managed, but it can be a lack of direction and could miss potential opportunities
  • therefore, effective management with leadership mean that the theories and ideas should work well with the staff, with a strong tendency leads to the effective implementation of

is extremely important not only both management and exercise leadership, but both are practicing together, hand in hand, efficiently and effectively. If this is the case then the work has the best possible chance of success, present and future.

Doing business across cultures and borders

9:28 PM Add Comment
Doing business across cultures and borders

doing business across cultures and borders begin through good negotiation, and individuals with good management skills and capabilities negotiation. Managers can not negotiate fruitfully in the international market if they do not have the task of negotiating the capabilities and skills. Managers can not successfully negotiate if the neglect of these countries, cultures, beliefs and rituals. Differences in cultures, beliefs and rituals create difficulties in the effective negotiation process. Therefore, managers need to know the differences in the cultures and traditions of those countries, one after the other in order to perform efficiently and effectively and the success of the negotiations and be able to manage across cultures and borders.

It is also important to understand that because of our traditions and cultural differences, and individuals do not think, judge, act, look, the reason alike. Therefore, depending on the style of the negotiators, and should learn to adapt to the cultures of the countries that differ from them, where they intend to do business with them. It is encouraged shrewd negotiator empathically to accept and adapt to these traditions and cultures in order to profit.

before entering into global markets, and there are things needed by managers to learn. They need to focus on the following:

(1) how to prepare for the negotiations

(2) how to build relationships with their counterparts

(3) how can the relevant business information exchange

(4) how to persuade the other side to agree on the issues that concern them

(5) what to compromise on

(6) how to structure a final agreement


negotiations between cultures careful preparation to anticipate and take advantage of the other party. To avoid problems, and managers need to be aware of issues such as cultural differences, language, beliefs and behaviors, and family environment, and the differences in time, work habits, and religion. Different regions and different methods of negotiation. Therefore, when managers familiarize themselves with this important negotiating tactics, they may understand the methods of negotiating counterparts. It is always recommended that companies do not look at the country they are going to negotiations, in order to see how the negotiating methods differ from their own. The research will help in the detection of the value of their system, and behaviors, the position of foreign companies. To stay in the future is the beginning of an excellent strategic deal.

in building relationships, managers should look for strategic partners. Who they can trust and respect, and be comfortable working with. And strategic partners are those that are familiar with the cultures and behaviors, and languages. Most developing countries enforce the agreement on the basis of their relationship and communication. These countries are rarely committed to the legal system because once you choose a new leader comes in, those legal contracts null and void. Therefore, it pays to build a strong relationship.

for the exchange of information, and recommended a focus of business men and women group in order to discuss issues of concern to each party. In this capacity, he played the role reversal before attending the session is recommended. Usually, they are asked questions by both parties to address their concerns, and issues that concern them, and provide the answers by the two parties in responding to these issues and concerns. In capitalist countries, like the United States, companies use a direct approach to the negotiations, while in other countries, and uses this indirect approach. Some countries use the debate approach to negotiation; others rely detail oriented, suspicious of what is in there for them or their counterparts, laid back, or protocol approach. Companies need to learn how to adapt to each environment in order to be successful.

convince the other party to change its original position is a good strategy to negotiate. It is recommended that each party focuses on everything to them, and to convince the other party to accept the offer, and also make some concessions when necessary. More importantly, it will serve well if managers were negotiating early before coming to the negotiating table. Few of participation to resolve their differences ahead of time based on the cultures and behaviors countries, and the way you do business. Managers need to do a regional research in order to identify those countries, and when it is determined those countries; it is recommended to engage in backdoor negotiations since this is the way in which the actions of those countries. It is necessary to avoid misleading tactics of the other party and may constitute or lead to potential problems in the future.

also recommended that the parties had decided ahead of time what they are willing to concede to the other party. This strategy will be according to the culture of the other party is different. Give limited information and a good strategy to not to abandon the bargaining power, and get information from the other party helps to understand what kind of information to give out.

contracts vary according to the culture of a country participant. While the value of contracts for the United States and binding documents, some see it as insults and some lack of confidence, some might step back from that because of political pressure or instability, and some will do business instead on trust and mutual understanding in. Whatever the country, understand the culture and behavior is the key to the success of the negotiations and the way to make a profit.

8:27 PM Add Comment

reputation as a company will remain BENIFITS of reputation management online with you throughout the years of your business. All it takes is one negative customers to share their experiences with ten friends or family members, and before you know it had dissipated reputation. The same applies to the Internet and want to make sure you are heavily focused on managing your online reputation, and always ensure that you enjoy a good reputation on the Internet to help your business grow in the present and the future.

The first step to a reputable online management is to keep your finger on the pulse in terms of presence and social media. You need to monitor the social media accounts at all times, and find out what people are saying about you, what's involved and know when to complement the services or your products. The benefit to social media that can reach a wide audience, but at the same time, you need to make sure comments are sharing all positive, and push your business forward.

when they focus on your online reputation, you will see an increase in sales. Existing and potential customers you will be able to service reliability and confidence, which in turn can give you an advantage over competitors. Customers are looking for a company that can provide you with excellent service and support, and they want a good supplier and if you have an outstanding reputation, they are going to choose the registration of more than the other options available to the company.

In addition, you will gain the confidence you deserve. So many companies focus on marketing their business online, they focus on social media, pay per click advertising and Web sites of their own and forgetting one very important element, its reputation. Hiring a professional company who specialize in online reputation management is the best way to ensure the success without wasting your time and energy.

online reputation management ensures that you always put your best foot forward. Everyone will have to face the negative between now and then in their work, and this is expected, it is clear that you can not please everyone all the time. But your reputation management ensures the best foot forward always, it ensures that customers can grow to trust you and rely on your services now proceed.

choose to hire a reputation management specialist online enables you to control the market. Remember with the introduction of the Internet, it was not just compete on the local or even national scale anymore, and you are competing on a global scale, which means thousands of competitors, compared with the few countries that used to be the main priority of your own. The company will Reputation Management online help by doing a comprehensive analysis of a competitor, you will know what your competitors are doing at all times, and that it will focus your efforts on the Internet, and ensuring that the company is not seen in a bad light at any time.

Be sure to choose a reputable management specialist on your website with care. A select number of companies that offer this service and to determine what other online services that they offer. Ideally you can find a company that can help you with the entire marketing needs of your website.

always ask the company for the business they have worked in the past. Do a search for these companies to determine their reputation on the Internet and ask the professionals what they will do for your business to ensure the best foot always refers to forward, which are your sales are guaranteed to improve and that will be your brand is always seen as a reputable and reliable.

while I was probably more than capable of the same managing your online reputation, think about the time, effort and money you will save by choosing a specialist to deal with this for you, allowing you to focus on your business development on a daily approach.

Recent trends in sports administration and management

7:26 PM Add Comment
Recent trends in sports administration and management

one of the main factors that have turned against the development of sports in Nigeria today is the lack of effective management. There are a lot of solutions being offered by the Nigerian concern and a national day to save us quagmire. One of these solutions is this text entitled "Recent trends in sports management and administration." It was written by Dr. Joseph Awoyinfa, a lecturer in the mobility of human health and the Department of Education, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria; educational researcher and consultant. I was the person named by the author and the university to review the book when it was presented to the public on December 4, 08 in Nigeria.

According to Awoyinfa, it is self-evident in all parts of the world that the sport is now the issue of reference that can no longer be ignored in the various sectors of the economy and areas of life. The writer adds that this text, which takes a closer look at topical issues in sports management and administration, and delve into the theories and principles of modern trends in sports administration and management, such as leadership, organization, planning, motivation, etc.

The text contains 16 chapters. And christened one chapter "The concept of sports management." Here, Awoyinfa administration says is a concept that means different things to different people at different times, resulting in a multiplicity of definitions. He explains that the administration has described the different shroud, science, a person or persons, discipline and process.

expatiates this writer that the shroud, the management of the sport is all about the implementation of the sports regulatory functions and tasks through people. While science and sports management is about the establishment of sports philosophy, laws and theories, principles, processes and practices. As an organization, according to him, and you know sports management as a means to create formal structures and institutions on the basis of the mission, goals, objectives, functions and tasks.

says Awoyinfa as a person or group of people, sports administration may refer to the head alone or to all the senior staff, committee, and so forth; while as a system, and the management is a field of study with various themes and topics. Author shines Sports Management as a process that is about a systematic way of doing things. Awoyinfa highlights management positions in sports management, planning, organizing, staffing, guidance / leading, control, and coordination, budgeting and evaluation. The director of the sport is, this author educates the sporting director is anyone at any level of the organization, who runs the sports
other efforts towards achieving organizational goals sports wise.

is based on the second chapter on the subject of evolution and trends in sports management thought. Here, Awoyinfa reveals that the development of ideas about sports administration back to the days when people tried in the first place to achieve the goals by working together in a group. In his words, "there was a serious thought and the development of theories about management several years before the dawn of the twentieth century (20), which marked the beginning of modern management thought athlete. Great efforts to develop the theories and principles of sports management began from the early twentieth time (20) century with the work of Frederick Taylor and Henry Fayol, and the Industrial Revolution (19) of the nineteenth century and perhaps provided the climate for this very serious theorizing. "

Awoyinfa adds that since the turn of the 20th century, and writers in the sports management and business theory is proposed different theories on how to manage work more efficiently and effectively and staff. This author educates that the three major schools of management thought is: a classic. And human behavior; and complementary. It also highlights the Awoyinfa theorists sports administration in early; the principles and characteristics of scientific management. Evaluation of scientific management theory, etc., in this chapter.

third chapter is labeled objective "sports management principles." In this chapter, the educational consultant explains that mathematical principles are the basic laws underlying the practice of sports management. He adds that the management principles must therefore be based on generally for them to be applicable within the sports organizations of different sizes and character. "It is expected to be able to identify and use appropriate principles that are relevant to specific cases of modern sports managers and administrators, and this is because there is no single principle can fit all administrative cases," offers Awoyinfa.

He says that the basic principles of sports are those that apply to all sports organizations and as a result of public acceptance, and sometimes referred to as "the general principles of sports management." This author expatiates that some of these principles are: responsibility. Delegation of authority and communication. With regard to the humanitarian principles of sports administration, Awoyinfa identifies these as democracy, justice, human relations, empathy, compassion, and consideration and humility.

in the fourth quarter on the basis of the concept of behavioral and motivational theories in sports organization, the author says, humans are unique creatures of its kind because they behave differently under different conditions and are difficult to predict in most cases. Awoyinfa asserts that since human beings constitute the most important element in the sports organization, sports managers need to understand why some people act one way or another, so that (athletic directors) can affect the performance of the people on exactly how sports organizations find desirable.

One effective tool suggests this writer that can be used to obtain performance when athletes is the motivation. In his words, "the motivation is something that is required in sports organizations to make employees' performance
However, it has been an important and perplexing subject of sports managers." Awoyinfa discuss the further development of catalytic concepts in sports institution. The application of the theories of motivation for the management of sport; methods of behavior modification, etc., in this chapter.

in Chapters 5-10, the author of searchlight beams analytical him on issues such as management techniques in sports institution. The concept sports institution. Design in the sports enterprise mode. The concept of planning in sports management. Make your athletic organizations more effective in Nigeria and employment in the sports institutions.

is based on Chapter 11 on communication strategies in the sports institution. According to Awoyinfa here, communication is a critical factor in any organizational effectiveness of the organizations can not operate effectively when they lack the communication skills among members. "Since communication is a moving spirit in the absence of an institution that can provide organizations standstill", confirms this author.
in chapters 12 to 16, X-ray Awoyinfa concepts such as organizational changes and development in sport management; leadership and management in sport management; management and organization of football as a coach. The teaching of human kinetics and health education in schools and colleges. The organization and management of schools in the various stages of education.

and put the supply side, this text record mark of success. For example, the language is understood and articulated ideas brilliantly. It is expected the simplicity of the language, given the dual professional background in the communication lecturer and pastor. To ensure an easy study of the text on the part of readers, Awoyinfa highlights the objectives of each chapter at the beginning and end with the audit / review questions.

What is more, he creatively embroidered text with graphics (pages 50.97, 317 330 338, 395, etc.) to enhance understanding readers through visual communication. Awoyinfa includes references at the end of each chapter to meet academic obligations and opportunities source disclosed readers to read more. Many references inserted also underscores the depth of his research. His use of visual discrimination of the term "modern trends" in the title is the creator emphatically.

If there are chapters that really make this text is described as a compendium of solutions for modern administrative and organizational problems of the development of our sport in Nigeria, they are chapters four, eight, 11 and 13. this is because they discuss motivation and planning, communication and leadership, respectively.

At the same time, objectively the greatest chapter of all is the fourth chapter. The fact that this be taken consciously or unconsciously to be finding the greatest chapter practical expression in the telecommunications deeper and coherence between the theme on one side and images metaphorical front cover external or imagery like another goal, and cyclists race, for tennis player getting ready to work with the bat to her, runners competing and players Football struggling for possession of the ball, on the other hand. These are the images used to illustrate the motivational speech.

However, note some errors in the text. Errors are the "Acknowledgement" (page three), instead of "thanks and appreciation." An impoverishment of the first few paragraphs of the natural "boot." "Attrition" (396 and 404), instead of the "loss", and other pages need to be corrected in the next edition of these errors.

In a note to the final analysis, this text is a compendium of Sports Management irresistible tips. This is a must read for all stakeholders in the sports sector, especially managers and administrators. It is simply fantastic.

ILESANMI GOKE, editing infrastructure for President / CEO of Http://www.gokeilesanmi.com management consultant / CEO Gokmar communications consultancy, and Certified Public Remember chairman / director of protocol, ( trade) communications specialist, motivational speaker, career management coach, the famous book critic, leadership expert and consultant for companies liberation.
to discuss business, and access on +234 (0) 8055068773. +234 (0) 8056030424
| E-mail: Gokeiles2010@gmail.com

Maslow in my mind: How Maslow included needs affect business and society

6:25 PM Add Comment
Maslow in my mind: How Maslow included needs affect business and society

Introduction: Maslow in the Big Apple

Abraham Maslow was born in New York in 108 to the poor and uneducated immigrants Russians. He was the oldest of seven children, and thus paid by his parents to achieve success in education, where they have not done so. Study was originally to be a lawyer, was found to be of little interest, and finally turned to psychology, where he excelled. Maslow went on to obtain a doctorate degree in psychology at the University of Wisconsin, under the tutelage of Harry Harlow, famous for experimenting with monkeys and attachment behavior. After some time he returned to New York and began studying human sexuality. In addition to this study, during the years of teaching, it was a chance to meet many of the psychologists highly respected, which also helped to shape his ideas on human needs. The last event which Maslow has to move in a humanitarian direction of studying the evolution of the concept of "self-realization." This study was led by Maslow to develop his famous hierarchy of needs theory. [1]

food for thought: Why do humans really need

Even Maslow began to develop his theories, most studies have focused on human nature to biology, investigation or to explain the power of forces that pay us.

Maslow postulated that there are five levels of basic needs that all human attempts to achieve:
needs externally-Radi (basic needs that every individual must meet before they can progress).

1. Physiological - I'm hungry.

2. Safety - I'm scared.

needs internally-Radi (needs leading to enlightenment and understanding

3. Social - I'm single

4. Esteem - I can not

5. Perception self - I can not

in the 1970s, and the division of Maslow's more of this hierarchy, up to a total of eight levels: [2]

1) Physiological: hunger and thirst! And means of physical discomfort, and so on;

2) safety / security: out of danger.

3) belonging and love: he joined with others, be accepted. And

4) Esteem: to achieve, be competent, and get the approval and recognition.

5) Cognitive: to know, to understand, and explore; (new)

6) Aesthetic: symmetry, order and beauty; (new)

7) Self: Finding achieve on self-fulfillment and achieving one's potential. And

8) Self-transcendence: to connect to something outside the ego or to help others find self-fulfillment and realize their potential. (New) (This is a relatively new concept and many authors such as Dr. Stephen Covey expressed similar views.) [3]

Another way to look at the needs are divided into "D-needs" (lack of) and " B- needs "(being). Maslow believed that the lack of needs, once satisfied ceased to be the driving force of the individual, and at that time was free to move upward to develop themselves.

If we follow the traditional hierarchy, we can see that every need form the basis of the need for it in the next pyramid. Without these former bases, Maslow believed that it is impossible to move to the next level in the hierarchy. [4]

In spite of the fact that it is a very well-known and comfortable in essence, there seems to be little hard evidence that the theory applies in fact the people in general. Maslow even admitted as much. [5]

learning experience

include Maslow's needs had a significant impact on the field of education. It turned traditional beliefs on educational methodology to a more humane approach, with a focus on meeting in order to help them to apply the basic needs of the students.

The most important goal in education is to learn, followed by the development of an understanding of the material retained, and apply it to life. In order to do this, you need to be motivated enough to work hard to achieve this goal the students. Without the motivation to learn it is unlikely that education will succeed to the extent that it is intended.

In order to maximize the motivational desire, the need for teachers to attend to the needs of the student. By understanding include Maslow's needs, teachers can work towards the achievement of the basic needs that develop the foundation of higher education, or achieved.

Here is an example of how the school is able to meet the basic needs of the students:

If the school is aware that in order to work in the school and students in need of basic physiological needs satisfied before they can absorb their studies, they you may consider providing lunches if a great deal of students do not have their own. This would push the learners to the next level. Through the promotion of a safe environment of trust, with a social classroom network, offering praise in the form of positive reinforcement from teachers, students will be able to focus on learning. [6]

real and the example that has come up near the end of the 20th century with respect to this is the problems that have arisen as a result of beliefs in "special education" to. During the 70s and 80s when he was working as the traditional beliefs of the separation of children with special needs (physical, intellectual, and emotional) anomalies in the school system cases originated is questioning these beliefs. It was believed that by placing these students in the atmosphere of a separate learning they will be able to learn a pace more appropriate to their abilities, special interest and offer the ultimate through the system to receive the same education at the end of the program. As it turns out that this did not happen, and it hinders learning for children. [7]

managing expectations

focus on the humanitarian needs of the successful stimulation can very easily be ported to most of the business world and apply them in the field of management. In fact, Maslow became fascinated by the same management and tried to explain the good managers the ability to motivate their employees by using a sound understanding of the religious leader of needs. Even went so far as to conduct regular visits high-tech company in California to study management practices in the 1960s. Maslow discovered that managers who deal with their subordinates with confidence and respect for the creation of an environment that promotes better work productivity and improve the situation.

Peter Drucker, said the famous teacher management that "the contribution of Maslow management was a big one, pointing to the hat you have the policies of different personnel for different people affairs in different situations for them to be truly effective." [8]

Why 'Y'?

Theories X and Y, also developed by Douglas McGregor fit very nicely in theory needs. If human beings are seeking, in essence, for something to help push them to the next level, and have an inner desire to progress, and to give back to the community, as is believed by followers of the "Y" theory, then go for the reason that a humanitarian approach, as stipulated by the Maslow would help these individuals reach their goals. If we believe that human nature responds best to positive, caring atmosphere, then managers that carry these beliefs with respect to their employees should be able to raise them even higher in an attempt to improve productivity, and individual goals for the worker:

1. staff Showing work as natural.

2. Commitment goals leads to self-direction and self-control.

3. People will look for cases that can get accountability for their work.

4. decision-making at various levels can be spread between the company and not be the responsibility of senior management. [9]

What is a "humanitarian" got to do , I got to do?

humanity is the "third force" in psychology, following the traditional studies of behaviorism and psychoanalysis. Maslow, Carl Rogers, Rowley May and helped many others to pay this way of looking at the human condition.

humanity has a long history dating back to the times of Greek philosophers from the 6th century BC. And come out ahead in the time and put in three main categories: religious and secular educational and humanitarian. When the "humanity", which means people are generally secular humanism understand discussed.
"Humanity is a broad category of active ethical philosophies that emphasize the dignity and worth of all people, on the basis of the ability to determine right and wrong by appeal to universal human qualities- particularly rational, common history, experience, and belief. Humanity is an element of a variety of more specific philosophical systems, has also been included in some of the religious schools of thought.

humanity involves a commitment to the search for truth and morality through human means in support of the interests of rights. to focus on the ability to self-determination and humanity rejects the justifications transcendent, such as reliance on faith, and texts supernatural or heavenly. approves humanitarian global ethics based on the commonalities of human nature, suggesting that solutions to the social and cultural problems. can not be narrow "[10]

believe humanists generally as follows : [11]

1. humanity is the philosophy of focusing on the rights and ways of understanding reality. Humanists do not claim to possess or obtain the knowledge supposed transcendent.

2. humanity is the philosophy of reason and science in the pursuit of knowledge. Therefore, when it comes to the question of the most suitable means to acquire knowledge of the world, humanists and arbitrary power unbelievers, and revelation, and the awareness of a variable.

3. humanity is the philosophy of the imagination. Humanists recognize that feelings of intuitive, CAMS, speculation, flashes of inspiration, passion, awareness variable, and even religious experience, while not valid way to acquire knowledge, useful sources remainder of the ideas that can lead us to new ways of looking at the world. These ideas, having been a rational assessment of the utility, and can then be put in the work, often with alternative approaches to solve problems.

4. humanity is the philosophy of the here and now. Humanists regard human values ​​as making sense only in the context of human life and not in the supposed promise of life after death.

5. humanity is the philosophy of compassion. Human morality is concerned only with human needs and find a solution to the problems of human - on both the individual and society - and devote any attention to the satisfaction of the desires of supposed religious entities.

6. humanity is realistic philosophy. Humanists recognize the existence of the moral dilemmas and the need for careful consideration of immediate and future results in ethical decision-making process.

7. humanity is in tune with today's science. Thus the recognition of humanists we live in a natural world of large size and enact that we evolved on this planet over a long period of time, there is no compelling evidence to separate the "spirit", and that human beings have certain built-in needs that constitute an effective basis for any system human value oriented.

8. humanity is in tune with today's enlightened social thought. We are committed to humanitarian civil liberties, human rights, separation of church and state, and the extension of participatory democracy, not only in government but also in the workplace, education, and expand awareness and the exchange of products and ideas on a global international level, and to follow an open approach to solving social problems, an approach that allows to test new alternatives.

9. humanity is in tune with new technological developments. Humanists are willing to participate in the scientific and technological discoveries emerging in order to exert moral influence on these revolutions as they come about, especially in the interest of protecting the environment.

10. humanity is, in short, the philosophy of those who are in love with life. Humanists take responsibility for their lives and flavor adventure of being part of the new discoveries, seeking new knowledge, and to explore new options. Instead of finding solace in the Greater ready answers questions in life, humanists enjoy the open-endedness of the pursuit of freedom and discovery that this entails.

What is holding us back?

if access to the top of the mountain of self was easy, everybody will be enlightened, happy, hard-working and creative, and the wealthy. We all strive to take responsibility for our actions, and to try to improve the situation around us through the development of new and unique ideas. Unfortunately, this does not happen. What is holding us back from reaching our "fully functional, sound character"?

I agree with Maslow that society and the educational system to prevent individuals from reaching their full potential. Here is what has Maslow to say in this regard:

"the status of being without the system of values ​​is psychopathogenic, we learn everyone needs a framework of values ​​and philosophy of life, religion or alternative religion to live by and understand before, in about the same feeling he needed sunlight, calcium or love. this has been called "the need for knowledge to understand." diseases of value that result from valuelessness called different anhedonia, homosexuality, apathy, immorality, and despair, cynicism, etc., and can become physical illness, too. historically, we are drop-in value that values ​​giving external systems proved the failure of (political, economic, religious, etc.) for example, nothing worthy of death, why man needs, but you do not have, he seeks to non-stop, and it becomes dangerously ready to jump on any hope, good or bad. the treatment of this disease is clear. We need to validate, usable human values ​​system that we can believe in and devote ourselves to (be willing to die for), because it is true and not because we are exhorted to "believe and not they have confidence. "such a Weltanschauung based on experimentation now seems to be a real possibility, at least in the theoretical scheme. "[12]

If the community does not instill proper values ​​in the youth of today, they are unable to develop a healthy outlook on life, and this will hamper their journey to self-realization. the education system is also currently not providing proper ethics, positive, caring environment for students in order for them to grow. the need of these schools to focus on the hierarchy Maslow's hierarchy of needs that are lacking in the student body and take care of their areas, and help students to excel in ways that go deeper than just grades good

Abstract: change your socks, change your position

in the modern business world, a working method that focuses on the product is no longer successful. companies must now, more than ever, and the development of consumer approach that focuses on the business. the market demassifying, and this means that the individual must meet the requirements.

for the education system to produce individuals can reach peak Maslow pyramid, schools must also take a similar approach and instead of focusing on the product (education), it should instead focus on fulfilling the needs of the client (the student). This will by no means be an easy task because it requires a tremendous amount of time and energy on the part of the supplier (schools), but the final results produce a much more comfortable with the customer is able to benefit from the interaction.

Maslow lists 10 points of educators and teachers should consider in order to change their style so as to move towards self-realization of the individual. It can be found on the summary of these points below:

1. Be true to yourself.

2. Do not be bound by your culture.

3. discover your calling.

4. decent life.

5. Do not judge people.

6. See to satisfy their basic needs.

7. Take time to smell the roses.

8. learn restraint.

9. Do not sweat the small stuff.

10. make the right decisions.

This can and must be applied to all aspects of life, from the private time, through education and even in the work environment in order to work towards improving yourself and the community.


C. George Boeree 1., "Abraham Maslow, 108-1970", Http://www.ship.edu/~ cgboeree / maslow.html

2. Huitt, W. (04). Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved [date] from, Http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/regsys/maslow.html .

3. Stephen Covey, "usually 8TH, the effectiveness to greatness," Franklin Coffey, freedom of the press, 04.

4. Wikipedia, "include Maslow's needs, Http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs

5. educational Psychology interactive

6. Jones, Michael. "Maslow's needs can be included to reduce recidivism. "corrections day 66.4 (04): 18-22.

7. Norman Kunc," the need to belong: hierarchy rediscovery of Maslow's needs, the focus of consultancy and training Limited ,, [http://www.normemma.com/armaslow.htm], 1998.

8. adapted from Maslow in the management, by Abraham H. Maslow, with Deborah Stevens and Gary Hale, 1998.

9. Robbins, Stephen P., "the fundamentals of organizational behavior, eighth edition, Pearson Education Inc., 05, P50

Wikipedia definition of 10. "humanity", Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanism

11. Frederick Edwards, " what is humanity? ", the American Humanist Association, 1989, [http://www.jcn.com/humanism.php4]

12. Maslow, A., and Lori, R. (Ed). (1998). '(. 3rd edition) about psychology as' New York: Wiley & Sons.