understanding of organizational behavior is important for managers, who have a responsibility to improve organizational effectiveness, and the ability of the organization to achieve the goals. The goal is desired results in the future that the organization is trying to achieve.
in the past 10 years, and increased the challenges facing managers in the effective use of human resources and organizational behavior management. These challenges stem from the change of power in technological environments, global, social and cultural rights.
organization can gain a competitive advantage, a way to outweigh other organizations providing similar goods and services. You can follow any of the following objectives or all of: increased efficiency and increase quality; increased innovation and creativity. And increase the ability to respond to customers. And increased
organizational efficiency by reducing the amount of resources, such as people or new materials, necessary for the production of quality goods or services. Organizations in an attempt to find the best ways to take advantage and increase the skills and capabilities of their workforce. Employee training through to perform various tasks, and find new ways to organize workers to use their skills more efficiently and improve efficiency. Global competitive challenge facing organizations is to invest in workers' skills to better-trained workers to make better use of technology. Increased competition has also put pressure on companies to increase the quality of the goods and services they provide. And it is called a way to increase the quality of Total Quality Management, a technique borrowed from the Japanese. Total Quality Management includes a whole new philosophy of management behavior in organizations and include elements such as giving workers the responsibility for finding ways to do their work more efficiently, and ways to improve quality.
ethics organization, rules, beliefs, and values that define the ways in which managers and workers must act when faced with a situation which may help or hurt others inside or outside the organization. Promotes ethical behavior and welfare of individuals, groups and organizations, and regulatory environment. Ethics and establish goals and behaviors appropriate to the organization. Many organizations have a goal of making a profit, to be able to pay employees, suppliers and shareholders' salaries. Morality determines what actions you should take the organization to make a profit and should place restrictions on organizations and their managers to prevent damage.
and the challenges of increasing diverse workforce management with international organizations expand their operations. There are many issues that arise in the international arena. First, managers must understand the cultural differences to interact with workers and associates in foreign countries. Understand the differences between national cultures is important in any attempt to behavior management in global organizations to increase performance.
Second, the management functions of planning, organizing, leadership, control becomes more complicated in a global environment. Planning requires coordination between managers at home and abroad. Organization and distribution of decision-making authority and responsibility between headquarters and foreign state is an important function of global managers. Leading sewing requires leadership styles to suit the differences in attitudes and values of foreign workers. Control involves the establishment of evaluation, reward, and policies that strengthen the organization, training and the development of a diverse workforce globally.
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