I'm sure that most of the entrepreneurs and managers had heard successful business leaders walk the floor '

3:47 PM

I'm sure that most of the entrepreneurs and managers had heard successful business leaders walk the floor ' say walk on the ground. "But do we do it? What do you mean? And actually works?

This means aside time on a regular basis to see what is really happening in your business (department or team) - literally walk around the place where the employees actually work.


many successful business leaders, it's crucial to improve the morale and performance and results.

and they say it helps employees show that you want to get it - that you have knowledge of the value of their skills and opinion, and it can improve results - cursed by asking questions that you know the real issues that affect the business performance and can often get better suggestions to solve problems.


these business leaders that helps commitment to encourage and drive business forward to change the problem areas more quickly much of what could happen otherwise, because it is by dealing with them in person people see that you're serious and that can enable them to take action quickly.

when I ask business owners and managers I work with, whether they walk the earth, " some common themes occur. See if you recognize any of these data:

  1. I do not have time to get out and about a meeting with my staff. I'm too busy trying to do my job / get new / sort their problems work. (I'm sure there are many of data that can be substituted here - you get the idea!)

    If you say this yourself in the moment, then you are obviously giving priority to other things, which you do not think it is It is important enough!

    What if you could offer this one of the most important parts of your role as the leader of the business?

  2. do not have any employees, I am working with associates, and they are not based in the same position me- so this does not apply.

    of course does not apply in the same way, in the sense physically with your team, but it can be applied in other ways. For example, you can set up regular meetings via Skype.

  3. my staff should not need supervision, they should do the job have been paid anyway!

    While I agree that most of the team members do not need 24/7 monitoring, the majority of them responsive to know that you are really interested in what they're doing, that you feel you work really matter, for business and customers.

  4. it will only anger them if you go out and ask questions. Or I will think I do not trust them and I'm checking up on them.

    While it is possible that some of you feel like that, in my experience and the experience of many of my clients, the majority will not - you made a genuine, ask questions, listen, praise appropriately.

    Also, sometimes I think I'll be checking up on them, or rather check the progress of the action! Again, it provided that they are real and not constantly criticize, then I think trust relationships can be developed this way.

and on the other side of the equation, when dealing with people who are managed, I have heard the following complaints:

  1. and the coach does not know who I am or what i do!

    Regardless of the truth of this statement, "walking in the land" can prove that you do not know your employees and you appreciate what they do.

  2. do not know the boss - we do not see her.

    Making time on a regular basis to "walk the earth" means that you are more visible to your employees, they will get to know who you are, and will help to show that you are approachable and interested in them.

  3. when things are going well because they take credit when it's not our fault!

    again, "Walking in the ground," allows you to give recognition and credit in the right place and create a solution to a problem rather than a culture of blame.

and, of course, must be with the right intention and with sufficient attention this activity is for it to work. Your team will see through it immediately otherwise - people can always tell when you're not real or you're busy with other things.

I think "walking the earth" (or make normal for your employees or team members time where you are geographically dispersed, or you're home) is crucial for the leadership instead of management, to allow employees see, feel and hear you - to experience in reality you are and the direction you take them in, so that they can build a two-way trust relationships.

So, if you recognize yourself in any of the above statements, then maybe this is the time for you to start "walking on the ground."

How about scheduling some time on a weekly basis? After all, you have little to lose and potentially much to gain, as the leader of commercial and Waloamal.

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