Making sales - inventory management Dawa (1.5 base)

3:35 PM
Making sales - inventory management Dawa (1.5 base)

during a sales call (visit to the client), and the most important question is to generate it. Here we stress the word "create" mode instead of the order to "Take". To take a negative way to the definition of the word. This means that in this case the seller is often just choose a certain order and the owner of a port setting. Generation is an active process where the process leading vendor. He needs assessment and proposal order quantity, creating a backup story profit that will support him with his proposal, and to overcome the objections and conclude sales.

in order to control this process actually, it must be equipped with the tools to the seller sets of specific knowledge. One of the most important thing is the skill and knowledge of inventory management in the port. By default, you might think that this is the work of the owner of a port, because it is ordering, he pushes the product, store it, over it and sell etc. The truth is that the port and managing too many things at the same time: places port (rent, utilities and maintenance), staff (recruitment and training and supervision), and legal obligations (accounting and tax books) and on top of all this has many product categories, including your wallet is one of the lot.

From this it is clear that the owner of a port can never be more focused and trained from your vendor well trained. During the process of generation arrangement, each SKU individually, it is important to take many things separately: sales history, trends and prospects, seasonal, brand strength, and stock safety, etc.

inventory of "Al Qaeda 1.5 management model" offers you a good balance of Order generation, taking into account the history, Trend securities and safety. Formula for the base 1.5 is:

ORDER = weekly sales × 1.5 - Stoke

Explanation: The Create Order on the base of sales last week, but is increased by 50% from the case that the sales increase, which current inventory is reduced. This is consistent with the general policy of keeping safety stock. In the case that an increase in sales in the coming period, the stock is not secure until the next sales visit. If the opposite happens, this means that sales in the next week is less than it was in the past, and there is no fear of increasing the stock, because the formula and achieve a balance between the next order (reduce it).

orders are increasing while the sale of a gradual rise, but also reduces the period in which sales have been outside where declining. That's what makes this mechanism of inventory management extremely helpful to both suppliers and customers, because he believes fluent products supply, avoid OOS, the capital budget of the investor, and lower obsolete stocks, increasing the maximum consumer shopping and achieving the experience as much of the profits.

This model is suitable for all products FMCG. This model is explained in more detail in the range of free tools in []

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