Incremental change or a step change - eight questions to the definition of change management and clarify your approach

7:15 PM
Incremental change or a step change - eight questions to the definition of change management and clarify your approach

incremental change or a step change? It is very important to identify very early on whether or not what we are proposing can be considered a gradual change realistically can be achieved under the "business as usual" restrictions, or whether the change was a step and needs to be handled as specified - the initiative and with the appropriate level of senior care and practical support.

key questions are:

(1) Are you the change that we are proposing a gradual change, which can and should be introduced as part of the "business as usual", which can be absorbed as part of the day to day running of your organization ?

(2) or that the size, scope and complexity, priority, schedule, the strategic importance of the proposed change so that it is a step change and needs to be seen and treated as specific initiative and it requires some form of change management process?

This is very important as you change management is defined in the context of your organization.

The reason for this is very important because people are stressed, tired and fed in general with change initiatives. They need to be careful and detailed explanation of the proposed changes - Why the proposed change is necessary, direct them and the effects and benefits to them. They need help and practical support.

As an example - has been involved with the trust NHS in recent times, and contrary to the perception of the initial panel of the reason for the resistance and clear and the reluctance of the medical staff senior to embrace this initiative, and the simple fact of doing so medical staff to support the intentions of the board - but it was not they have the time or energy to deal with.

What is needed is someone to own the initiative full-time and "officially" recognize that this was a specific initiative to change the step that needs to be handled outside the hospital "business as usual".

Here are 8 simple questions yet powerful that will help to clarify the approach to be taken and how to implement it successfully:

(1) How things are going to be different when you make the change?

(2) Why do I do this - how things are going to take advantage of them?

(3) How do I know it benefited me?

(4) Who is going to affect how they react?

(5) What can I do to get them "on the side"?

(6) What are the risks and problems that I'll have to face?

(7) What steps can I take to make the changes and get the benefit?

(8) How am I going to manage all of this to happen and I succeed?

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