How are you dealing with the five biggest challenges facing managers and business owners today?

7:14 PM
How are you dealing with the five biggest challenges facing managers and business owners today?

There are ten basic premises that will determine the success of your overall management. Before we get to the biggest challenges facing the five I thought I would give you ten since thet closely linked to managers.

(1). When you have a problem, problem, failure, impotence or whatever - any -

where in the organization - look for him of the case and the bottom of the ladder

for the solution.

(2). Everything that happens in the organization are the result of direct or indirect

that the organization culture, philosophy and the core beliefs.

3.You get the behavior you reward.

(4). Effective management is not about the latest fad or philosophy. It is about

a pillar of confidence and respect for the people and dealing with them accordingly.

(5). Growing business is not difficult, and it should be fun for everyone.

(6). It must be the foundation of integrity and ethics for all your decisions and


(7). If you want an effective and productive employees must see the employee

development as an investment and not a cost of

(8). What employees want to be motivated and driven performance

is the appreciation and the recognition and verification and to feel important and feel they


9. The function of management is not to motivate staff, but to create a positive

motivational climate where employees take responsibility for their own impulses


(10). And you are responsible for your employees and not theirs.

Here are the top five challenges of today. Hmm,

· corporate culture. Companies, organization and culture department all stems from top to bottom. Rules and policies and philosophy of written and unwritten from the manager or the organization of all eventually find their way into positions of almost everyone in the performance of the organization. One of the important things to remember when dealing with people is: you get the behavior you reward. If the culture rewards directly or indirectly, to a certain kind of attitude or behavior, and you, through your actions, or inaction, perhaps it reaffirms that this is acceptable. If you want to change your behavior, you must first assess the culture that is in place that may be a bonus kind of behavior that you get but do not necessarily want.

· communication style. Rumors, rumors, memos, e-mails, meetings and individual counseling sessions and paintings all ads have one thing in common - they communicate information - some more effective and timely than others. If contacts in the organization is everything from top to bottom, you can rest assured that you are not in touch with the reality of the enterprise and the market, customers or suppliers.

· Organization direction. One of the biggest challenges facing managers today is to communicate effectively with the direction of corporate clarity and consistency to all the staff who have a right and a need to know. Most organizations do poor job of this at best. One way to find out what your people are believed to conduct a survey anonymously attitudes and perceptions and opinions.

· decision-making. Many managers make decisions that other employees can be either to implement or that will affect them. If you make these decisions without feedback from the bottom to the top, you can guarantee the results of the decisions will be less than desired or expected.

· mechanisms notes. Employees want to know how they are doing - whether bad or good. Not to give them the feedback they need is to keep them in the dark regarding the evaluation of their performance and how and where they need to be improved.

Is changing management roles?

There are a number of conditions that affect the roles of managers today. There are a few of them.

- the largest cultural diversity.

- several age groups employee very distinctive.

- increase the impact and use of technology.

- and the growing international market.

- ethical standards that are unclear or inconsistent.

- greater stress levels among all workers.

- direction and corporate strategy criticized by consumers.

- the desire of staff greater independence and autonomy of the saucepan.

- increased consumer choices for products and services.

- a smaller number of skilled personnel specifically.

- relentless and accelerating change

There are more, but I do not want to be responsible for sabotaging your day

With all these factors, and once again I ask you, are the roles of managers and supervisors, executives and owners changing business today? you betcha. Here are just a few that I have observed over the past few years of training and consultation with many of my clients in a variety of industries all over the world.

(1). Many managers are responsible for the number of employees working remotely increased.

(2). Some managers find they spend more time 'to do' instead of 'management'.

(3). And it increased spending some time training managers working on personal issues.

(4). All managers are faced sooner or later with the slots position that they can not fill the void.

(5). Mangers generally have less personal development of their own time.

(6). Most managers face to learn how to deal with a variety of culturally diverse staff and sex wise age of wisdom.

(7). Managers in general spend more time communicating via email than in person or by phone.

again, and there are many could have been included, but the essence is that if you are still using management and the behaviors that you use for more than five years of methods and I guarantee you will be less effective as a leader, coach and manager in the world today variable.

roles and attitudes or fundamental responsibilities of managers has not changed and a few of them;

(1). The need to trust your employees and your employees to trust you.

(2). The need to respect their uniqueness.

(3). Need to communicate openly and honestly.

(4). Need to give them the recognition and appreciation it deserves.

(5). Need to have a career path and a clear future available to them.

(6). Need to be compensated to some extent.

If you will do these six consistently will go a long way in addressing successfully many of the factors mentioned above.

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