What makes a man a good director?

7:14 PM
What makes a man a good director?

this week, I think we can take a quick look at the necessary skills to be a director of a man efficient and get better results from your sales team. Good management requires a man to a completely different set of skills and personal qualities than just being a good sales person. I saw on occasions countless terms given person's head company sales management position through the normal internal promotion, only to find that they had failed in his new role, and eventually returned to the sales floor because they can earn more money as sales of one representative.

senior sales people do not necessarily always make the best managers. Higher sales representatives tend to be selfish, cold calculators who are full of self-importance own and are interested only in their own choice of next Commission. These properties are great if you just want to be a successful salesperson for the rest of your career sales.

when transferred to the administration need to be a completely different set of skills. Of course it helps to have been fairly good as a salesperson before moving to management so you can move the selling skills of your new delegates, but what is more important is to know how to manage.

So what makes a man a good director?

good management for a man means to be a good leader. To lead the way to go in the front and show the way.

and tell me favorite is the one that goes: If a man is starving and give him a fish, he will eat for a day. But if you take this man to starve himself and teach him how to fish, he will be able to feed himself and his family for the rest of his life. Good management of man is exactly that. Teach your sales team how to sell, and they will feed themselves and their families and to you for the rest of their lives.

educate and motivate a day, not just when the sales slip. (Prevention is better than cure).

never blame someone, blame the work and results. (People can learn good habits and procedures can be changed and thus achieve the desired results. If the person is not performing is their fault, or is it for you to not teach them correctly?) Do not ask anyone to do anything you're not willing to do yourself. (Respect is something you have to earn. Do not automatically come with the title.)

if you have to pull someone one side to make sure you do it completely and pull them to one side. Do not make them an example to the rest of the sales team and always found something to praise them for immediately after the reprimand. Everybody better performance with a pat on the back and some praise.

Finally, remember that you were new once. The only reason you are where you are now is that someone took the time to manage correctly when you first started your career in sales.

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