Project Portfolio Management - What is the difference between "excellent", "good", "fair" and "poor"

6:13 PM
Project Portfolio Management - What is the difference between "excellent", "good", "fair" and "poor"

That depends on who you ask.

This is the reason that the common practice of set values ​​of work using simple categories such as "excellent", "good", "show" and "weak" for projects in the portfolios of project usually misleading and wrong.

Post Why?

First, in most of the project portfolio management situations where this is used, there is no explicit value of the quantity allocated to each term, the team members are not calibrated or train them on how to make the appointments. Thus, each person is "on its own" to explain how to make the assignment, they can afford a mistake that the other team members are doing it the same way.

second, often groups do not capture meaningful differences between projects. For example, let's say a team is using a "very high," "high," "moderate" and "low" to set the value of the project. If a linear scale is supposed to projects with an estimated value between 0 and $ 1 million, "Low" means that the value of the project is between 0 and $ 0,000. Thus, this type of assessment basically says that $ 0,000 $ 0 and identical. Are they really?

Third, the use of these types of value tasks or even "on a scale of 1-10," involves a straight line between the categories that are often relationship tested. Is a project of "exhibition" twice as valuable as "poor" project? Is the "good" three times the value of the project as a "poor"?

Fourth, the interpretation of the relative value can change as people go to the bottom of the list of projects. For example, if you were beginning to think they might cost a lot of projects, such as "high" will come back and begin to re-assign some of the "Hi" to "good." Even the scope of internal and cognitive changes in the middle of making the tasks, so the value of the task, relying on something other than the actual intrinsic value.

Therefore, although the results of the use of this methodology may seem right and understandable, when you start to scratch the surface, they are often not.

but there are some project portfolio management situations where the determination of the project values ​​of categories is very useful, such as when you want to express their preferences for categories of text is not quantifiable, such as geographical locations, colors, days of the week, zip codes, etc., it should only be done when you really can not use numerical values ​​quantity. If you can use the input quantity, such as financial data, the numbers do not use categories.

for the use of inputs factional properly, make sure that the appointment of certain values ​​or relative values ​​for each category so that to make people understand what you mean tasks duties. For example, drugs categories company used to express a preference for drug development zones therapeutic different such as "cardiovascular", "central nervous system" (CNS), "oncology," etc. If the value of "10" set for cardiovascular and "5" to the central nervous system, it is clear that the category of "cardiovascular" is twice as important in their strategy to the category of "CNS".

doing it this way allows you to use this type of real-world data in a form your own portfolio of projects in a non-realistic and accurate.

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