P-O-S-D-C of the administration - a tool to help students

8:02 PM
P-O-S-D-C of the administration - a tool to help students

students need every edge available when it comes to studies, whether they know it or not. Should benefit from every part of the information available, any research articles, white papers, periodicals and magazines, and yes ... blog.

This is a little early information should prove useful for aspiring business management, marketing, accounting and secretarial science, commercial law, and / or programming student (s). These additional tools to assist the student in his / her preparation for the successful management efforts. Students will manage you first need to find out who and POSDC of Management

Planning: .. in the process of setting goals and determine what needs to be done to accomplish the task, the task of the Organization of successfully

organization: the process of appointing the task, and the coordination of resources and restructuring team, and work activities for the organization

STAFFING: team building by the process in an attempt to attract and retain qualified people for the organization.

orientation: The process that provides leadership, arranges motivational opportunities, and build a good working environment

Control: The process of setting standards at the enterprise level, analyzing the results and performance measurement and the actual monitoring to see if the criteria are met. Control also includes making the right decisions and corrective actions, if necessary.

should also students become familiar with the management of the process and what is required to become a manager. The best managers are well informed and fully aware of the team's needs. Meet the needs of the team with administrative support reflect the alternatives and suggestions for a solution coordinated team.

management process that includes planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the use of resources to achieve the targeted performance goals. "All managers, regardless of title, level, type, and organizational mode (s), is responsible for the four functions. Linear However, no checks, step-by-step fashion." John R.. Schermerhorn Jr., and needless to say ... "The truth is that these jobs are continuously working as a manager for the move from task to task and the chance to chance in his or her work."

while the agreement with Mr. Schermerhorn as well as a number of other experienced teachers, gurus of the profession, and the ultimate goal of the director is to help the company / organization to achieve the highest level of performance with the use of resources, human and material.

Henry Mintzberg wrote, "Although the management process may seem obvious, things are more complicated than it seems at first glance." Add the ever-present e-mail and instant messages to his list of executive administrative processes /.

remember my "IT and BI", and not hyperbole of marriage between business intelligence and information technology? "BI about information technology, systematically, and basically go arm in arm." Just look around you. Technology and management everywhere. However, in order to ascend to a higher level (s) in the administration, one must begin with P.O.S.D.C. Administration.

Said studies.

til next time ...

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