The most important functions

2:45 PM
The most important functions Management

There are four main functions of management.

(1). Planning.

(2). group.

(3). Leadership.

(4). Controlling.


Planning It is an important administrative function. The design provides for a state in the desired future and the way to achieve that state in the future to achieve the organization's goals. In other words, planning is the process of thinking before doing. In order to solve problems and take advantages of the opportunities offered by the rapid change that, we must develop a long-managers and short-term formal plans so that organizations can move toward their goals.

This is the basis of the area of ​​management. This is the basis on which it should be built in all areas of management. Management planning requires to evaluate. Where it is currently the company's appointment, and where it would be in coming. From there is determining an appropriate course of action and implemented to achieve the company's goals and objectives

planning is, of course, the never-ending work. There may be a surprise strategies where companies need to face. Sometimes they can not control. You could say it is one of the external factors that affect the company constantly both optimistic and pessimistic. Depending on the circumstances, the company may have to change its course of action to achieve certain goals. This kind of preparation, it is known arrangement as strategic planning. In strategic planning, management and analysis inside and outside factors that may affect the company and even the goals and objectives. Here we should have a study of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. To manage to do so efficiently, it must be very practical and ample.

planning characteristics.

Ø goal oriented.

Ø superiority.

Ø widespread.

Ø flexible.

Ø continuously.

Ø involves a choice.

Ø future.

Ø mental exercise.

buildings Ø planning.

the importance of planning.

* Make clear and specific objectives.

* Make meaningful activities.

* reduce the risk of uncertainty.
* facilitators.

* facilitators decision-making.

* encourage creativity.

* Provides the basis of control.

* leads to economy and efficiency.

* Improves behavior adoption.

* facilitate integration.

planning official and non-official.

formal planning usually is forcing managers to consider all the important factors and focus on both the short and long term consequences of scale. Formal planning is the process of planning methodology which is coordinating plans across the organization is usually recorded in writing. There are some advantages Informal Planning. First, a formal planning forces planning managers because they are required to do so by their superiors or regulatory rules. Second, managers are forced to examine all areas of the organization. Third, it provides formalize self is a set of common assumptions that could all managers plans.

planning that is disorganized, lacks coordination, and involves all parts of the organization called the Informal Planning. It has three serious deficiencies. First, all important factors may not represent. Second, it focuses only on the frequency of short-term results. Third, without coordination and planning in different parts of the organization may be in conflict.

planning stages.

sequential nature of planning means that must be completed before each stage and began the next stage. And provide systematic planning is a series of sequential activities that lead to the implementation of the regulatory plans.

  • The first step in planning is to develop organizational goals.

  • Second, and planning specialists and senior management develop a strategic plan and communicate middle managers.

  • Third, the use of strategic plans to coordinate the development plans of the medium by middle managers.

  • Fourth, department managers and supervisors develop action plans that are consistent with the medium-sized plans.

  • Fifth, it includes the implementation of decisions and initiate action to implement these plans.

  • sixth and final stage, and follow-up and monitoring, which is crucial.

organizational planning system.

organizational planning system coordinator to develop and medium requires, and strategic plans operating in the order of their importance to the organization. All three are interrelated plans with intermediate plans on the basis of strategic plans and aircraft operating on the basis of medium-plans. It is the first strategic plans that have been developed because they determine the future direction of the organization and of critical importance to the survival of the organization. Thus, strategic plans and laid the foundation for the development of medium and operating plans. Future plans to develop medium and plans. The plans include medium key functional areas within the organization and is stepping into the operating plans. Come and share action plans. These provide specific guidelines for activities within each section.


The And preparing a second function of management, and get organized. Management must all its resources are well regulated by the hand to implement the course of action to decide that was planned in the job base. Through this process, the administration is now determining the composition of the inside directors; establish and maintain relationships, and also set the required resources.

while determining the composition directorial debut at home, you must manage to look at different sections or departments. They also see to the harmonization of staff, and trying to figure out the best way to deal with the tasks and expenses important information within the company. Management determines the division of labor according to their need. It also has to make a decision to appropriate departments to hand over power and responsibilities.

importance of the organization and the organization structure of the process.

  1. encourage specialization.

  2. definition of the function.

  3. ranks of power and influence.

  4. Coordination
  5. facilitators.

  6. Law
  7. as a source of satisfaction to bolster security.

  8. Adjustment
  9. facilitators.

  10. Growth
  11. facilitators.

  12. triggers creativity.

directing (leading).

output is the third function of management. Work under this function helps the management to monitor and supervise the work of employees. This helps them to assist employees in achieving the company's goals and also accomplish personal goals or functionality that can be powered by motivation and communication, and the dynamics of management and leadership management.

staff that provoke severe generally exceed the performance of their jobs and also plays an important role in achieving the company's goal. Therein lies the reason for the concentration of managers to motivate their employees. They come about with the award programs and incentives for job-oriented in the direction of performance-based personnel requirements.

It is very important to maintain a productive work environment, and build positive personal relationships, and problem-solving. This can only be done with effective communication. Understanding the communication process and to work on the area you need to improve, and to help managers become more effective communications. Better technique to find the areas that require improvement are to ask themselves and others at regular intervals, the extent they do. This leads to better relationships and helps managers to better output plans.


Managerial Control is the process of follow-up study of performance, compared to the actual against planned actions, and take corrective action when necessary. It was continuing. Only happens at the end of the specified period. Although the owners or managers of small shops may assess the performance at the end of the year, but they also monitor the performance throughout the year

types of management control: ..

* preventive control


preventive controls to prevent undesired operation before they occur.

* corrective control.


corrective controls to adjust the cases in which the actual performance has already deviated from its planned performance.

stages in the process of management control.


process of management control of several stages. These phases include

  1. setting performance standards.

  2. actual performance measurement.

  3. actual performance against the required performance compared to (performance standards) to determine deviations.

  4. calendar distractions.

  5. implementation of corrective actions.

2) Description of how this all function leads to the achievement of organizational objectives.


Whether System is the organization, management, business, projects, etc., planners work planning process that involves back through the system. It starts from the results (outputs and outcomes), they prefer to work back through the system to determine necessary to achieve the results of operations. After the identification of the necessary inputs (or resources) to carry out operations

* A quick look at some of the basic terminology: ..

planning usually includes the use of the following basic terms

Note: is not crucial to understanding the precise definitions completely from each of the following terms. It is more important for planners to have a basic sense of the difference between the goals / objectives (results) and strategies / functions (methods to achieve results).

  • goals

goals are the specific achievements that must be accomplished in whole, or in some combination, in order to achieve the result of the largest and generally preferred the system, for example, belonging to the Organization Mission. (Returning to reference best to systems and goals are output from the system.)

  • strategies or activities

These are the ways or processes required in total, or in some combination, to achieve the goals. (Returning to our reference systems, strategies and processes in the system.)

  • goals

goals are the specific achievements that must be accomplished in whole, or in some combination, to achieve the goals in the plan. Goals are usually "landmarks" along the way when implementing strategies.

  • tasks

Especially in small organizations, it is set differently necessary to implement the plan tasks people. If the scope of this plan is very small, and the tasks and activities are often basically the same.

  • resources (and budgets)

resources include people, materials and techniques, money, etc., necessary for the implementation of strategies or operations. Often depicted the costs of these resources in the form of a budget. (Return to our reference to systems and resources and inputs to the system.)

a basic overview of the typical stages in the planning

whether the system is the management and administration, business, projects, and so on, the basic planning process usually includes the similar nature of the activities carried out in a similar sequence. The implementation stages carefully or - in some cases - intuitively, for example, when planning for, a very small effort clear. The complexity of the various stages (and duplication across the system) depends on the scope of the system. For example, in a large company, and it will be carried out the next stages in the company's offices in each section in each section, in each group, etc.

(1). Generally singular purpose signal ( "Mission") or the desired result from the system.

during the planning and planners have in mind (consciously or unconsciously) some public purpose or effect of the plan to achieve it. For example, through strategic planning, it is important to mention the job, or the year of organizing goal.

(2). Take stock inside and outside the system.

This "inventory" always do to some extent, whether consciously or unconsciously. For example, through strategic planning, and it is important to carry out the environmental survey. This examination normally include consideration of various driving forces, or major influences that may affect the organization.

(3). Situation Analysis .

For example, during the strategic planning and planners often make a "SWOT analysis". (SWOT is an acronym to look at the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and the opportunities and threats faced by the organization.) During this analysis, planners can also use a variety of assessments, or methods to "measure" the health systems.

(4). Create goals.

Based on the analysis and harmonization in the overall system message, and puts planners a set of objectives that build on the strengths to take advantage of opportunities, while building up weaknesses and ward off threats.

(5). Create strategies to reach the goals.

adopt specific strategies (or the means to reach the goals), who was chosen on the ability issues, practicality and efficiency.

(6). Create goals along the way to achieve goals.

is selected

targets to be timely and demonstrates the progress towards the goals.

(7). Responsibilities and time limits associated with each goal.

was appointed

responsibilities, including the implementation of the plan, and to achieve different objectives and goals. Ideally, and set deadlines to meet every responsibility.

(8). Writing and communicating the plan document.


The above information and written in a document that is distributed throughout the system.

9. admit complete and celebrated the success

this important and often overlooked step - which could undermine the ultimate success of many future planning efforts. The purpose of the plan is to address the current problem or pursue the goal of development. It seems simplistic to assert that it must be recognized that if the issue is resolved or achieve the goal. However, this is a step in the planning process is often ignored instead of moving to the next problem to solve or a goal of trying to achieve. You can skip this step cultivation of indifference and skepticism - even cynicism - in your organization. Do not skip this step

to ensure the successful implementation and planning :

common failure in many types of planning is that the plan did not really implemented. Instead, all the focus on the written plan document. Often, plan sits collecting dust on the shelf. Therefore, most of the following guidelines will help ensure that the full implementation of the planning process and full implementation - or, is identified deviations from the plan and managed accordingly

  • includes the right people in the planning process

Returning to the reference to the systems, it is important that all parts of the system continue to exchange reactions in order to work effectively. Is this true regardless of the type of system. When planning, and getting input from everyone who will be responsible for implementing parts of the plan, along with representatives from other groups may affect the plan. Of course, people also should be involved in it will be responsible for reviewing the plan and control.

  • documenting the planning and transfer of information on a large scale

new managers, in particular, often forget that others do not know what these managers know. Even if managers do not intentions and plans verbally, and chances are high that others will not quite hear or understand what he wanted to do the manager. Also, with the change of plans, it is very difficult to remember who is supposed to do what, according to the version of the plan. Key stakeholders (employees, management, board members and founders and investors, clients, customers, etc.) may request copies of the different types of plans. So, it is important to write down the plans and communicate on a large scale.

  • goals and objectives must be more intelligent

more intelligent is the abbreviation, that is, it is made up word from joining letters from various words in a phrase or group of words. In this case, a more intelligent or objective goal is:


For example, it is difficult to know what someone should do if they are to achieve the goal to " work hard" . It is easy to recognize the "writing paper"


It is difficult to know what the scope of "writing paper" really is. It is easy to appreciate the effort if the goal is to "write a paper of 30 pages"


if I'm to take responsibility for the pursuit of the goal, the goal should be acceptable for me. For example, I'm not likely to follow the instructions of the person who tells me to write a paper of 30 pages when they also have five other papers to write. However, if you involve me in determining the target so that I can change my other commitments or modify the goal, and I'm more likely to accept the pursuit of it is also the objective


even if you do not accept responsibility to pursue the goal is specific and measurable, the goal will not be useful for me or others if, for example, the goal is to "write a paper of 30 pages in the next 10 seconds."

Time frame:

may mean more to others if I commit to a realistic goal for "writing a paper of 30 pages in one week." However, it does mean more to others (especially if they are planning to help me or guide me to reach the goal) if I set I will write one page a day for 30 days, not including the possibility that I will write all 30 pages on the last day of the 30 days


The goal must extend the capabilities of the performer. For example, I might be more interested in writing a paper of 30 pages if the subject of the paper or the way in which I write will extend my capabilities


I'm more inclined to write a paper if the paper will try in such a way that you may be rewarded for my efforts.

  • building in Accounting (regular review of who does what and when?)

plans should identify who is responsible for the achievement of each result, including goals and objectives. It should set the dates for the completion of each result, as well. Responsible parties should regularly review the status of the plan. Undoubtedly be a person of authority "sign" of the plan, including the signing of a plan to refer to the situation that they are consistent with and support its contents. Responsibilities include in policies and procedures, job descriptions, performance review processes, etc.

  • Note deviations from the plan and Replan Consequently

there is nothing wrong to deviate from the plan. The plan is not a set of rules. A general principle guideline. No less important than the plan after noting deviations and modify the plan accordingly.

  • evaluate the planning and operation of the plan

during the planning process, and regularly collect feedback from the participants. They are not consistent with the planning process? If not, what they do not like, and how it can be done better? In, and planning processes large current (such as strategic planning, business planning, project planning, etc.), it is important that the collection of this type of reactions regularly.

through regular reviews of the implementation of the plan, to assess whether the objectives are achieved or not. If not, it was realistic goals? Is responsible parties needed to achieve the goals, objectives and resources? You must change the goals? More priority should be placed on achieving the goals? what should be done?

Finally, it takes 10 minutes to write how it can be done in the planning process better. File it away and read it the next time you perform the planning process.

  • repeated the planning process at least as important as the plan document

very much, and the focus is mainly on the plan document. This is very unfortunate because the real treasure of the planning is the planning process itself. During the planning and planners learn a lot from the ongoing analysis, reflection, discussion and debate and dialogue about the issues and objectives in the system.


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