Emerging trends in customer relationship management

8:40 PM Add Comment
Emerging trends in customer relationship management Introduction biggest management challenge in the new millennium of liberalization and globalization of the business sector is a service and maintain good relations with king-client. In the past, customers producers took it for granted because...

Five principles of effective communication

6:38 PM Add Comment
Five principles of effective communication The problem with communication is the illusion that they occur. George Bernard Shaw I'm sure that this has happened to you: a colleague had done exactly the opposite exactly what I wanted him to do. How can that be, you have to ask yourself. I told...

Is the traditional performance evaluation of the Dead?

5:37 PM Add Comment
Is the traditional performance evaluation of the Dead? it looks like you can not be professional journal HR picks up these days, or even in the economic section in a large newspaper, without the discovery of the multiplicity of benefits article from the traditional annual performance evaluation...

Introduction to Fixed Assets Management

3:35 PM Add Comment
Introduction to Fixed Assets Management There are obvious advantages for the implementation and maintenance of record and control of the assets. You can get a savings of being able to both see the deployment of current assets, thus maximizing their use. Asset Control and limit the unauthorized use...

Hummingbird document management system - a quick introduction to the document management system rewarded

1:33 PM Add Comment
Hummingbird document management system - a quick introduction to the document management system rewarded Hummingbird document management system, one of the most extensive international companies to ECM has managed once again to reach the goal authentication systems. admitted Bird's document management...

Importance of couriers

12:32 PM Add Comment
Importance of couriers Services courier services, or provide specialized services for documents and other sensitive material, is important for the Dallas Service Area companies services. Various courier services regular mail delivery service, because couriers offer features such as security, tracking,...

Hedgehog concept - going from good big

9:29 PM Add Comment
Hedgehog concept - going from good big idea of ​​the concept of the Hedgehog for the first time in the life of Jim Collins book "Good to Great." Basically, the concept highlights the methods used by the business managers at a high level for the management of the business. According to this concept,...

5 Steps to monitor effective inventory

8:28 PM Add Comment
5 Steps to monitor effective inventory After everything close at hand in just the right amount contributes to the smooth functioning of any production process, regardless of whether it happens in your kitchen or on the floor shop. If you have lost all hope of ever exercising control over your inventory,...

Goals are measurable performance management

6:26 PM Add Comment
Goals are measurable performance management In an e-mail to me recently, mezhermnt joint Corina from Hong Kong asks: "This will be the first year the company using my SMART approach to do performance management. As a manager, I'm supposed to establish measurable goals for subordinates my country....